Lou Grant. Leslie Knope. Dr. Mark Greene. Captain Merrill Stubing. Even Michael Scott. The history of television is littered with great bosses. Earlier this week my friend Suzanne Lucas asked her vast LinkedIn network to name their choice for the “best” tv boss. Her choices were District Attorney Adam Schiff and Lieutenant Anita Van Buren, from Law & Order.
Friday, August 11, 2023
WIRTW #682: the “horse hockey” edition
Lou Grant. Leslie Knope. Dr. Mark Greene. Captain Merrill Stubing. Even Michael Scott. The history of television is littered with great bosses. Earlier this week my friend Suzanne Lucas asked her vast LinkedIn network to name their choice for the “best” tv boss. Her choices were District Attorney Adam Schiff and Lieutenant Anita Van Buren, from Law & Order.
For more information, contact Jon at (440) 695-8044 or JHyman@Wickenslaw.com.
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Wednesday, August 9, 2023
$2.6 million reasons why it’s illegal to fire a gay employee
Yesterday, a federal jury in Columbus returned a $2.6 million verdict in favor of Stacey Yerkes, a former Ohio State Highway Patrol employee who claimed that she was constructively discharged (forced to quit based on intolerable and unreasonable working conditions) because of her sexual orientation.
For more information, contact Jon at (440) 695-8044 or JHyman@Wickenslaw.com.
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Tuesday, August 8, 2023
Despite what he says, Elon Musk will not pay your legal bills if you’re fired for Xing
"If you were unfairly treated by your employer due to posting or liking something on this platform, we will fund your legal bill. No limit. Please let us know."
For more information, contact Jon at (440) 695-8044 or JHyman@Wickenslaw.com.
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Monday, August 7, 2023
Work and religion aren’t a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup
I share the above as prologue to today's discussion, which focuses on a Title VII lawsuit the EEOC recently settled with Aurora Pro Services, a North Carolina residential home service and repair company, alleged to have required employees to participate in religious prayer sessions as a condition of employment.
For more information, contact Jon at (440) 695-8044 or JHyman@Wickenslaw.com.
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Friday, August 4, 2023
WIRTW #681: the “excel-lent” edition
To be the man (or woman), you've gotta beat the man (or woman).
And to beat the man (or woman), you've gotta be really, really good at pivot tables and the xlookup function.
Earlier this morning, ESPN2 aired the Microsoft Excel World Championship.
You read that correctly — the world championship of spreadsheeting.
How in the world does one convert Microsoft Excel into a competitive sport? The answer is by tasking competitors to use Excel to solve complex puzzles. The eight contestants are provided "cases" to solve. Past examples include computing all of the possible outcomes and rewards for a slot machine or all of the possible combinations of license plate numbers. Contestants are then provided 30 minutes to answer a series of questions related to each case worth up to 1,000 points; the most points wins.
It's fascinating and compelling to watch, and I made sure to tune in before I left for work this morning. No spoilers on who won. I know you can find a replay and I want you to discover the joy of this event all on your own.
So here's my fun Friday question for everyone — If given the opportunity, what aspect of your job would you turn into a competitive sport? Mine would probably have something to do with Lexis searches … or maybe a race to make a filing deadline?
For more information, contact Jon at (440) 695-8044 or JHyman@Wickenslaw.com.
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Thursday, August 3, 2023
NLRB resets the rules on employee handbooks … yet again
Yes, we need to talk about employee handbooks and the NLRB … again.
For more information, contact Jon at (440) 695-8044 or JHyman@Wickenslaw.com.
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Wednesday, August 2, 2023
The No Robot Bosses Act
"I, for one, welcome our robot overlords." 🙃
Consider this scenario. "You're a delivery driver and your employer's tracking algorithm determines you’re not performing up to its standards — and then sends you an email to let you know you've been fired without any warning or opportunity to speak to a human being." According to Senator Bob Casey, it is this example, along with others, that caused him to draft the the "No Robot Bosses Act."
If enacted, it would add protections for job applicants and employees related to automated decision systems and would require employers to disclose when and how these systems are being used.
For more information, contact Jon at (440) 695-8044 or JHyman@Wickenslaw.com.
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Tuesday, August 1, 2023
Managing an overly sensitive employee
Floyd Sesson, a Black UPS parts mechanic, saw race discrimination in every turn within his workplace.
When UPS changed its policy to prohibit overtime for all parts mechanics, Sesson claimed that the policy unlawfully targeted him because of his race.
When Sesson complained to management about the overtime cuts, he claimed he further lost overtime in retaliation for his complaints.
When supervisors tried to manage Sesson, he claimed they were harassing him because of his race.
The 6th Circuit had little difficulty in affirming the dismissal of Sesson's discrimination, retaliation, and harassment lawsuit.
For more information, contact Jon at (440) 695-8044 or JHyman@Wickenslaw.com.
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Monday, July 31, 2023
The time has come to legislate gluten-free food
"I'm gluten free…"
For more information, contact Jon at (440) 695-8044 or JHyman@Wickenslaw.com.
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Friday, July 28, 2023
WIRTW #680: the “walk up song” edition
Above the Law thinks that it's time for lawyers to have walk-up songs.
History says that the walk-up song started at Old Comiskey Park in 1970, with the White Sox organist playing each player's home state song as they walked up to the plate. Over time, the tradition expanded to other ballparks and different music.
What's the most famous walk-up song of all time? I'd argue Ricky "Wild Thing" Vaughn's "Wild Thing" (from the movie "Major League"). In real life? Mariano Rivera's "Enter Sandman"? Chase Utley's "Kashmir"? Trevor Hoffman's "Hells Bells"?
Which brings me back to the question posed by Above the Law: What would our lives be like if our own theme songs accompanied us while we work?
It's a great question. I think mine would be "Career Opportunities" by The Clash. Driving guitar + a workplace theme = gold for this employment lawyer.
How about you? What walk-up song would you choose for your job?
Here's what I read this week that you should read, too.
For more information, contact Jon at (440) 695-8044 or JHyman@Wickenslaw.com.
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Thursday, July 27, 2023
6th Circuit opinion guts the validity of e-signatures on employment documents
For more information, contact Jon at (440) 695-8044 or JHyman@Wickenslaw.com.
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Wednesday, July 26, 2023
X marks the spot
There's nothing inherently illegal about naming one of your conference rooms "s3xy." If, however, your company has a history of allegations of sexual harassment and other sex discrimination, it's not the wisest choice.
For more information, contact Jon at (440) 695-8044 or JHyman@Wickenslaw.com.
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Friday, July 21, 2023
WIRTW #679: the “Portugal. The Podcast” edition
It's been a hot minute since my daughter and I recorded an episode of our podcast, The Norah and Dad Show. It only took a Portuguese holiday to get us off our duffs to record. It was a trip more than three years in the making (thanks to Covid), and we made the most of it — 12 days spread across Porto, Peniche, and Lisbon. On the episode we share our favorites from each of our three stops, some restaurant recommendations, cool sights and sounds (peacocks!), and our overall impressions of an amazing country.
Here's what I read this week that you should, too.
For more information, contact Jon at (440) 695-8044 or JHyman@Wickenslaw.com.
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Thursday, July 20, 2023
Never send an accused harasser on a business trip with his alleged victim
"If he wants to sleep with someone, you have to say yes. It's normal that the coach sleeps with the players in our team."
That's what an anonymous player told The Guardian about Bruce Mwape, head coach of the Zambia women's national team.
For more information, contact Jon at (440) 695-8044 or JHyman@Wickenslaw.com.
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Wednesday, July 19, 2023
Are we really still talking about masks?
In-N-Out burgers are mid. Its employment practices are even worse.
For more information, contact Jon at (440) 695-8044 or JHyman@Wickenslaw.com.
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Tuesday, July 18, 2023
The 8th nominee for the “Worst Employer of 2023” is … the head hunter
If you work for the Anatomical Gift Association of Illinois (a non-profit organization dedicated to the procurement, preparation, and preservation of donations for medical and scientific study), body parts are an unfortunate occupational hazard. If, however, you lodge complaints with your supervisors about the "mishandling and poor conditions" of donated bodies, and then find three dismembered heads waiting for you at your desk … that occupational hazard becomes retaliation.
For more information, contact Jon at (440) 695-8044 or JHyman@Wickenslaw.com.
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Monday, July 17, 2023
Why all employers should care about the SAG-AFTRA and WGA strikes
At midnight on July 14, SAG-AFTRA, the labor union representing 160,000 film and television actors, went on striking, joining their fellow members of the WGA on the Hollywood picket lines.
One of the key issues in both negotiations in the future of AI in the entertainment industry. SAG-AFTRA claims that the studios want the ability to pay background actors for one day's work use that likeness in perpetuity for any project without consent or compensation, including through the use of generative AI to fully replace the live actor. Similarly, a key sticking point for the WGA is the use of generative AI to write scripts in their entirety, which can then be edited by lower-priced non-union members.
For more information, contact Jon at (440) 695-8044 or JHyman@Wickenslaw.com.
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Friday, July 14, 2023
WIRTW #678: the “Happy Birthday” edition
For more information, contact Jon at (440) 695-8044 or JHyman@Wickenslaw.com.
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Thursday, July 13, 2023
A disabled employee is entitled to a “reasonable” accommodation, not a “preferred” accommodation
Jay Hannah worked as a package delivery driver for UPS. He developed hip bursitis, which caused pain in his lower back, hip, and buttocks. As a result, he requested two alternative reasonable accommodations: either that UPS allow him to drive his route with a smaller truck with softer suspension or that UPS reassign him to a non-driving inside job.
For more information, contact Jon at (440) 695-8044 or JHyman@Wickenslaw.com.
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Wednesday, July 12, 2023
Color me unsurprised that businesses are already using 303 Creative to discriminate
If a human identifies as anything other than a man/woman, please seek services at a local pet groomer. You are not welcome at this salon. Period.
For more information, contact Jon at (440) 695-8044 or JHyman@Wickenslaw.com.
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