Thursday, September 27, 2018

Don't Lindsey Graham your company's harassment investigations

What am I supposed to do, go ahead and ruin this guy's life based on an accusation? I'm just being honest. Unless there's something more, no, I'm not going to ruin Judge Kavanaugh's life over this. But she should come forward. She should have her say. She will be respectfully treated.
 – Senator Lindsey Graham
He-said/she-said cases of sexual harassment are difficult. You are making a decision that will impact the lives of two (or more) people often based solely on your evaluation of the credibility of the complaining employee, the accused, and witnesses (if any).

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Cuyahoga County bans LGBTQ discrimination

Cuyahoga County, Ohio, my home county, has lately been on the receiving end of some bad press. Season 3 of Serial just landed on your podcast app of choice, and it does not portray my county's criminal justice system in the most positive of lights.

So, today, I thought I'd share something positive from Cuyahoga County.

Yesterday, the County Council passed legislation prohibiting LGBTQ discrimination in employment, as well as housing and public accommodations.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Don't ignore state law when considering wage-and-hour issues

In Integrity Staffing Solutions v. Busk, the U.S. Supreme Court held the employees of an Amazon fulfillment center were not entitled to be paid under the FLSA for time spent waiting in line for a post-shift security screening.

And yet, last week, in parallel litigation under Nevada state law, the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals just held that time spent undergoing mandatory security checks is compensable under Nevada law,  reversing a contrary lower court ruling.

Monday, September 24, 2018

The 16th nominee for the “worst employer of 2018” is … the sexist, racist, xenophobic, oh my!

"Jon, your first 15 nominees this year were so awful. How are we supposed to decide which is the worst, and please stop adding nominees. You're only making our job harder."

Well, dear readers, sorry. Sometimes, I pick the nominees, and sometimes they leap off the screen begging to be nominated.

Friday, September 21, 2018

WIRTW #524 (the “total disaster” edition)

Any week Rhett Miller releases new music into the world is a week worth celebrating. Earlier this week Rhett released "Total Disaster," the first song of his upcoming album, The Messenger, due out November 9.

It's a brilliantly sad song about the mess one can make of one's life and how it impacts those around you. In fact, the entire album promises to be a bit on the darker side. A few months ago, on Chris Shiflett's "Walking the Floor" podcast, Rhett talked about some of the album's themes:

[The album's title] comes from a bridge in a song called "Human Condition." There were some of these songs where I kind of went back to my 14-year-old self. When I was 14, I had a real serous suicide attempt, and that's when I started addressing my issues of depression and mental health. It's not something I've talked about until recently, but now that I've got kids around that age, I was like, "Oh shit, I've gotta talk about this, because it's become over-stigmatized." I started thinking abut the 14 year-old that was in that space, and I started thinking, "If I was to go back and write a letter to myself…" I wish I could go back to my 14-year-old self and be like, "Dude, chill out. It’s going to be ok."

As if this isn't news enough, one week later, on November 16, Old 97's will release their very first Christmas album, Love the Holidays—nine original holiday tunes plus a cover of "Auld Lang Syne."

You can read all about these projects at, and both albums are available for pre-order from ATO Records

Here's what I else I read this week:

Thursday, September 20, 2018

What employment sins are you atoning for this year?

Yesterday was Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement.

For the uninitiated, it is the day on which we make peace with God for all of the sins we've committed over the past year. On Rosh Hashanah God writes each person's name in Book of Life. Over the next 10 days, Jews seek forgiveness for wrongs done against God and our fellow humans. During Yom Kippur, each individual makes their personal petitions to God, and hopes for forgiveness for the upcoming year. If all goes well, when God closes the Book of Life at the end of Yom Kippur, your name remains and your soul is safe for another year.

I explain it to my Catholic children like this. Catholics (are supposed to) confess their sins each week. Jews save them up one shot on Yom Kippur. We've yet to try the chicken swinging; they're not ready for it. (I'm not sure I am, or ever will be, either).

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

There's a new sheriff in town at the NLRB

Last week was a big one at the National Labor Relations Board.

First, the Board announced its intent to modify its joint employer standard. This move, while not unexpected, is nevertheless significant. You can read all of the backstory on this issue here.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Sexual harassment allegations unjustifiably ruin people's lives only if they are false

Yesterday, The Washington Post published Christine Blasey Ford's decades old allegations of sexual abuse she claims to have suffered at the hand of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Supreme Court nominee. You can read the full letter here.

Friday, September 14, 2018

WIRTW #523 (the “radio radio” edition)

Earlier this week, I guested on , 89.3 KPCC in Los Angeles. I discussed the rights of employers to access information on employees' personal devices. It's an interesting and timely topic, in light of a lawsuit recently filed by an ex-managing director of an investment firm, accusing his former employer of hacking into his home computer to read his personal emails and obtain other stored data.

Where is the line between a personal device and a work device, and does the law make a distinction if the device is used for work?

Click here to listen to our discussion. And a huge thank you to Larry Mantle and his staff for having me on.

In other news, if you find yourself in Cleveland's southwestern suburbs this Saturday at 2:30 pm or next Sunday at 3:30 pm, stop in at Slim & Chubby's, in Strongsville, to experience Norah and Donovan getting their School of Rock punk on. Green Day, Bad Religion, Rancid, The Interrupters, The Distillers, Frank Turner, and more Green Day.

Here's what I read this week:

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Do you have employee-theft insurance?

The Philadelphia Insectarium and Butterfly Pavilion, a science museum showcasing one of the largest living arthropod collections in the United States, recently suffered a catastrophic loss. Crooks heisted over 80% of its collection — 7,000 of its rare insects, lizards, and snakes, valued at over $40,000.

According to The New York Times, police believe this to have been an inside job. Three current or former museum employees are the suspects. The evidence? Security-camera footage, plus staff uniforms hung from knives that had been stabbed into a wall.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The 15th nominee for the “worst employer of 2018” is … the tasering torturer

Was this a car dealership or the set of Hostel 4?

Jason Cox worked as a car salesperson for Marietta Motors. According to Cox's lawsuit, for the entirety of his 10 months of employment, the company's owner, Travis Westfall, engaged in a continuous and unrelenting campaign of verbal and physical abuse and harassment.

Cox claims that Westfall:

  • Repeatedly demeaned him based on his large size, with names such as "Tiny," "Fat Ass," and "handicapped."
  • On numerous occasions, pointed at Cox the red laser-sight of the handgun he kept at work.
  • Placed the handgun to Cox's chest while telling him not to make any sudden moves.
  • More than once held knives or other sharp objects to Cox's throat while demanding that he not make any sudden movements.
  • Told Cox that he could "slit [his] throat and sleep just fine at night."
  • Struck Cox with a soda bottle on his surgically repaired leg.
  • Punched Cox repeatedly.
  • Lit fires near Cox.
  • Duck taped Cox's phone to his hand and head while he was talking.
  • Repeatedly shocked Cox with a taser, to the point that his co-workers attempted to hide the weapon from Westfall.

Cox also claims that Westfall captured the abuse on video and shared it on social media

Ultimately, claims Cox, he quit and fled the workplace, but not before he claims to have suffered severe and permanent mental and physical injuries.

If even a portion of this stuff happened, not only will it qualify Marietta Motors and Travis Westfall for a well-deserved nomination for the Worst Employer of 2018, but it will also result in a very large and warranted payday for Jason Cox.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Everything you want to know about employee polygraph tests

Lie detector tests, have been all over the news lately. Reports suggest that Donald Trump wants to administer these examinations to the entire White House staff to identify the author of the anonymous New York Times op-ed.

There are no laws prohibiting the White House from using polygraphs in this manner. The federal law that regulates their use in the workplace—the Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988—does not apply to the government.

For private-sector employers, however, the EPPA imposes strict prohibitions on the use of any device to render a diagnostic opinion as to the honesty or dishonesty of an individual.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Do you really want to be the employer that bans your employees from wearing Nike products?

Last week, Nike launched its new ad campaign featuring (former) NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick. He's most famous for being the first NFL player to kneel during the national anthem. As a result, he's become a lightning rod around our national conversation about race relations. He claims the NFL has blackballed him because of his outspokenness on the issue.

Friday, September 7, 2018

WIRTW #522 (the “back to school” edition)

If your kids go back to school and you don't post photographic evidence, does it count?

Here's what I read this week:

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Compliance-by-carrot trumps compliance-by-stick

Democratic administrations are about enforcement.
Republican administrations are about education.

The endgame is still enforcement, but each side approaches this goal very differently.

This dichotomy might be an oversimplification, but, in at least in contrasting the Obama Administration to the Trump Administration, it is very true.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The FLSA's exemptions are becoming more "fair" for employers

In Encino Motorcars, LLC v. Navarro, the Supreme Court ruled that overtime exemptions under the Fair Labor Standards Act "are to be given a 'fair reading,' meaning they are not to be construed too narrowly" (as had historically been the case).

The Court applied this "fair reading" standard to conclude that automobile service advisors are exempt under the FLSA's automobile-service exemption.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Training won't fix stupid

A fast-food restaurant fired a recently hired employee after its manager learned she was pregnant.

How do we know this was the manager's reason for the termination? Because he texted it to the employee (which she later posted on Facebook).

Friday, August 31, 2018

WIRTW #521 (the “master of my domain” edition)

What's the top employee issue that makes HR folks queasy? Drugs? Sex? Pornography?

According to Robin Schooling, the worst conversation to have with an employee is about sexual self-pleasuring at work.

What's the most uncomfortable conversation you've ever had with an employee? Please share in the comments below.

Here's what else I read this week:

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Does the FMLA protect organ-donation surgery as a "serious health condition?"

Organ donors are living saints. If you are in need of an organ to save your life, and someone is willing to sacrifice a kidney, or a liver segment, or bone marrow, and selflessly accept the pain and inconvenience, you are very, very fortunate.

Sacrificing one's organ to save another's life should not also result in sacrificing one's job.

Earlier this week, the U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division published Opinion Letter FMLA2018-2-A [pdf], which answers the question, "Does organ-donation surgery can qualify as a "serious health condition" under the FMLA?" (Thanks to Eric Meyer for bringing this to my attention.)

The answer is yes.

The FMLA defines a "serious health condition," in part, as an "illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves … inpatient care in a hospital, hospice, or residential medical care facility." "Inpatient care" means as "an overnight stay in a hospital, hospice, or residential medical care facility, including any period of incapacity … or any subsequent treatment in connection with such inpatient care."

According to the United Network for Organ Sharing, donors usually remain in the hospital four to seven days after the harvesting surgery. Thus, because organ donation commonly requires overnight hospitalization, it qualifies as a serious health condition covered by the FMLA.

Thus, covered employers (those with 50 or more employees on the payroll during 20 or more calendar workweeks in either the current or the preceding calendar year) must provide FMLA leave to an eligible employee-donor (someone employed for at least 12 non-consecutive months, who worked 1,250 hours during the 12-month period preceding the start of the requested leave, and who works at a location with 50 or more employees within a 75-mile radius).

What if, however, you are not an FMLA-covered employer? Or the employee-donor is not FMLA eligible? Or they already used up their 12 weeks of FMLA leave? Think twice before you deny requested time off for organ donation.

  • The ADA may require that you grant the time off with, or without, the FMLA or state-specific law. The ADA does not require an employer to provide a reasonable accommodation to a person without a disability due to that person’s association with someone with a disability. Nevertheless, the ADA mandates that an employer avoid treating an employee differently than other employees because of an association with a person with a disability. Thus, if an employer grants time off to employees for their own surgeries, the ADA will require similar treatment to employees taking time off to donate an organ to one’s association or relation.

Is it inconvenient for an employer to provide time off to any employee? Absolutely. Do you want to be in a position of defending your decision to fire that employee in the face of a leave request for the selfless act donating an organ to save another's life? Absolutely not. While such a decision is likely illegal, it's also undoubtedly inhuman. And it's that inhumanity that will cost your company dearly in front of a judge or a jury.

* Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

I ❤️ my wife, and I ❤️ attendance policies

On August 29, 2003, I married my wife.

The ceremony was to start at 11 am, and by 10:55 I was nervous. Not your normal, "I'm about to get married" nervous, but the, "What the hell, we start in 5 minutes and my bride-to-be isn't here yet" nervous. With no cell phone on me, I just had to have faith that Colleen was on her way. Nevertheless, I was most definitely jittery.