Jason Shann worked as the Enterprise Desktop Management Team Leader in the IT department of Atlantic Health System. He also suffered from tinnitus, a crackling and buzzing noises in his left ear caused by an Eustachian tube dysfunction. His tinnitus would flare up unpredictably, and, as it worsened, it caused him to suffer anxiety and depression.
As a result, he applied for, and was granted, a 21-day FMLA leave, and intermittent leave thereafter upon his return to work. Despite the intermittent FMLA leave, his tinnitus continued to worsen. Ultimately, he decided to take short-term disability leave, which he intended to role into long-term disability and retirement.
Prior to leaving Atlantic Health, the company discovered that he had “removed” a plethora of computer assets from his workplace. According to the police report, he took four laptops, one iPad, three hard drives, one portable DVD-R/RW and RAM Drive, one mouse, and an AC adapter for one of the laptops. The company also discovered that he had used unauthorized third-party software to overwrite more than 27,000 files on the one hard drive he left at his desk.