Thursday, March 20, 2014

What a slick union-avoidance campaign looks like

If you’re a $72 billion company that happens to be staunchly anti-union, and money is no object in the education of your employees about how and why the cons of a labor union will undermine the pros of your company and its culture, this is what you get.

Gawker has published Target’s 14-minute employee training video, entitled, “Think Hard: Protect Your Signature.” It espouses the benefits of Target’s open-door and other HR policies, while warning employees about the risks of signing a union authorization card. The video is worth your time (but watch soon, before the inevitable cease-and-desist).

You, however, don’t need billions of dollars of revenue to craft a slick, YouTube-able union avoidance message. You can deliver the same themes in a conference room, with someone (like your friendly neighborhood labor lawyer) talking to your workers. For example, take a look at my post from earlier this year, A Lesson on Union Avoidance, which discusses Wal-Mart’s more low-tech approach, and how you can incorporate some of its themes in your communications to your employees.

The point, however, regardless of the delivery you choose, is to have a message to deliver. It’s part of what I call the TEAM approach to union avoidance:

     Train supervisors
     Educate employees
     Modernize policies

Understanding that union avoidance starts as soon as an employee walks in your door about applying for a job, and not as soon as a labor union approaches your employees about signing authorization cards, is the first step in honing the right strategy that will keep your company union free.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Lactation at work requires reasonableness on both sides

Photo by Joelk75, via Flickr, cc
Both of my children were formula-fed. It wasn’t for lack of lactation effort. We (or, more accurately, she) tried to feed each naturally. My daughter’s birth followed 72 hours of awful labor, from which we were not sure my wife was going to make it (that’s a story for another day), and my son just did not want to eat. So for reasons that made perfect sense to us, we fed both exclusively by formula. The “lactation specialists” at the hospitals were not happy with us, and they let us know all about it. What they failed to do, however, was talk to us. It was a one-sided conversation, which failed.

In Ames v. Nationwide Mutual Ins. (8th Cir. 3/13/14), Angela Ames claimed that Nationwide discriminated against her because of her sex and pregnancy by not providing her access to a room in which to lactate. We know that lactation discrimination equates to pregnancy discrimination, and yet, in Ames, Nationwide won. Why?

Nationwide won because it had a lactation policy that provided employees reasonable access to a private room to express milk, and because Ames refused to even consider an accommodation when a room was temporarily unavailable.

Nationwide’s lactation policy allowed employees to gain badge access to its lactation rooms after completing certain paperwork that required three days processing. Even though Ames had not completed the required paperwork, the company nurse requested for her immediate access to a lactation room. While the company was processing the request, the nurse suggested that Ames use one of the company’s wellness room, which would become available in 15 or 20 minutes. In tears, Ames quit her job and sued.

The court explained its reasoning for affirming the trial court’s dismissal of Ames’s sex and pregnancy claims:
Ames was denied immediate access to a lactation room only because she had not completed the paperwork to gain badge access. Every nursing mother was required to complete the same paperwork and was subjected to the same three-day waiting period. Further, Hallberg [the nurse] tried to accommodate Ames by allowing her to use a wellness room as soon as it was available and by requesting that Ames receive expedited access to the lactation rooms.… That Nationwide’s policies treated all nursing mothers and loss-mitigation specialists alike demonstrates that Nationwide did not intend to force Ames to resign when it sought to enforce its policies.
The moral of this story is that evidence of open conversations with your employees about accommodations wins lawsuits. Nationwide won because it tried to work with Ames to find a temporary solution to her problem. Ames lost because she refused to be reasonable under the circumstances. Conflict requires a give-and-take, not a give-and-give. As long as an employer can show equal enforcement of policies, coupled with an effort to work with an employee, most lawsuits will resolve in the employer’s favor. The lactation folks at the hospitals refused to work with us, and they lost their battle. Nationwide tried to work with Ames, and, because she refused, it won their lawsuit. Let this case be a lesson to you, not only in dealing with the unique needs of lactating employees, but in resolving all conflict within the workplace.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Examining the low standard for adverse actions in retaliation claims

Mark Laster worked as a Public Safety Officer/Emergency Officer for the Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety for more than 23 years. After complaining to his superiors that the department was treating him differently because of his race, he alleged that he was denied training opportunities and privileges, singled out for violating at least two department policies that were selectively enforced against him, and disciplined more harshly than his peers for identical violations. 

The district court, however, dismissed Laster’s Title VII retaliation claim, concluding that none of the challenged actions were materially adverse sufficient to support a claim of retaliation. 

The 6th Circuit disagreed. Laster v. City of Kalamazoo (3/13/14) hi-lights the low standard for establishing an “adverse action” to support a retaliation claim:
Plaintiff’s burden of establishing a materially adverse employment action is “less onerous in the retaliation context than in the anti-discrimination context.” … “[A] plaintiff must show that a reasonable employee would have found the challenged action materially adverse, which in this context means it well might have dissuaded a reasonable worker from making or supporting a charge of discrimination.” … “This more liberal definition permits actions not materially adverse for purposes of an anti-discrimination claim to qualify as such in the retaliation context.”
Thus, the 6th Circuit concluded that the trial court had erred by dismissing Laster’s retaliation claim:
Facing heightened scrutiny, receiving frequent reprimands for breaking selectively enforced policies, being disciplined more harshly than similarly situated peers, and forced to attend a pre-determination hearing based on unfounded allegations of wrongdoing might well have dissuaded a reasonable worker from making or supporting a charge of discrimination. There is a genuine issue of fact regarding whether or not Plaintiff was subject to materially adverse action, and whether Plaintiff’s protected activity was the cause of such action.
By way of contrast, the 6th Circuit also concluded that the same set of facts could not legally support Laster’s constructive discharge claim under Title VII, because of the higher “adverse action” standard under a Title VII disparate treatment claim.

What does all this legal jargon mean from a practical standpoint? It means that when an employee complains about discrimination, or otherwise engages in protected conduct, you must treat that employee with kid gloves. Any action you take against that employee, which one could view as reasonably dissuading any employees from engaging in other protected conduct, will likely be “adverse” under Title VII’s anti-retaliation protections.

Employees who complain aren’t bulletproof, and you can still discipline or terminate a worthy employee, even on the heals of complaint about discrimination or other protected conduct. You must, however, tread very carefully, and make sure that all your i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed, because even the slightest misstep could ring the retaliation bell.

Monday, March 17, 2014

A call for the DOL to fix what is wrong with our wage-and-hour laws

Last week, President Obama called upon the Secretary of Labor to “modernize and streamline the existing overtime regulations.” According to the President, the “regulations regarding exemptions from the Act’s overtime requirement, particularly for executive, administrative, and professional employees (often referred to as ‘white collar’ exemptions) have not kept up with our modern economy. Because these regulations are outdated, millions of Americans lack the protections of overtime and even the right to the minimum wage.”

I could not agree more with the President that the FLSA’s regulations are outdated. In fact, I’ve been calling for a streamlining of the FLSA for nearly three years:
Congress enacted the FLSA during the Great Depression to combat the sweatshops that had taken over our manufacturing sector. In the 70+ years that have passed, it has evolved, via a complex web of regulations and interpretations, into an anachronistic maze of rules that even the best-intentioned employer cannot hope to comply with. I would bet any employer in this country a free wage and hour audit that I can find an FLSA violation in your pay practices. A regulatory scheme that is impossible to meet does not make sense to keep alive. Instead, what employers and employees need is a more streamlined system to ensure that workers are paid a fair wage.
President Obama, Secretary of Labor Perez, and members of Congress, take this opportunity to do something historic and write wage-and-hour legislation and regulations that make sense for 2014. Don’t just increase the current salary level from the current $455 per week to qualify for the white-collar exemptions. That change will do nothing more than create new classes of non-exempt workers. Employers won’t start paying them overtime; instead they will figure out how to limit their hours worked to keep that wages the same.

Instead, use this Presidential call-to-action as an opportunity to examine the entire legislative and regulatory scheme that dictates how employees are paid in this county. You will not help guarantee workers a fair wage putting a band aid on a much bigger problem. The FLSA needs to be scrapped and rebuilt from scratch. Otherwise, you will leave in place in system that is confusing for employers to meet their compliance obligations, which, at the end of the day, is unfair for employers and employees.

Friday, March 14, 2014

WIRTW #311 (the “bossy” edition)

Earlier this week Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg launched She believes that “bossy” is to aspiring female leaders as the n-word is to African-Americans. Sandberg argues that banning people from calling young women bossy will help give them the confidence to lead when they are older.

What a bunch of bunk. You know what will give young women the confidence to lead? Providing them opportunities to lead. How about we focus more on the percentage of female leaders at Fortune 500 companies (a paltry 16.9% of corporate board members, 14.6% of Executive Officer positions, and 4.6% of CEOs) instead of the words we choose to call those who might some day aspire to bridge that gap?

Words are just words. Banning them, no matter how offensive they might be, doesn’t change the underlying thoughts and the resulting behavior. Do you know what happens when you ban a word like “nigger?” People who are inclined to say it think it instead. Banning a word doesn’t end bigotry, it just takes it underground. Banning “bossy” won’t increase opportunities for women just like banning the N-word won’t end racism.

We should all agree that increasing opportunities for women in the workplace is a worthy goal. We are kidding ourselves, however, if we believe that banning a word will help achieve it.

For more critiques of Sandberg’s “Ban Bossy” campaign, see:

Here’s the rest of what I read this week:


Social Media & Workplace Technology
HR & Employee Relations
Wage & Hour

Thursday, March 13, 2014

EEOC holds public meeting on social media in the workplace #socialEEOC

Yesterday, the EEOC held a public meeting on the use of social media in the workplace, and its impact on the enforcement of equal employment opportunity laws. The commission heard testimony that addressed issues such as recruitment and hiring, harassment, and discovery.

According to EEOC Chair Jacqueline A. Berrien, “The increasing use of social media in the 21st century workplace presents new opportunities as well as questions and concerns. This meeting has helped the EEOC understand how social media is being used in the employment context and what impact it may have on the laws we enforce and on our mission to stop and remedy discriminatory practices in the workplace.”

Commissioner Victoria Lipnic added, “As policymakers and regulators, it is our challenge, and I believe our responsibility, to do all that we can to ensure that our interpretation and administration of the laws within our charge are as current and fully-informed as possible.” Thus, the EEOC held the meeting to gather information, not to provide guidance.

Rather than summarize the hours of testimony (which you can read for yourselves here), I want to focus on the following question that the EEOC posed on Twitter (where else) during the meeting:
The answer is that these legal issues are not new; all that is new is the communication media impacting those legal issues. For example:
  • Social media hasn’t changed the law of workplace harassment, but it has opened up new opportunities for employees to harass each other by permitting employees to stay connected to each other around the clock. Thus, employers must guard against and investigate off-duty harassment.
  • Most employers know that they can’t ask a job applicant questions about their medical history, but they flock to Google and Facebook where they can learn that very same protected information.
The lesson here isn’t so much how social media is impacting EEO laws, but instead how employers are adapting their current policies and training to adapt to these new technologies. Does you harassment policy and training address the risks of social media? Do you train your recruiters on the right way to conduct an online background search? And do you understand the mechanics of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., so that you can ensure that all of your employees, from the top down, understand the technology. Without an understanding of the technology, your employees will be lost trying to understand the legal implications of its use.

How you answer questions like these will tell you if your organization is nimble and responsive enough to adapt to the impact these new issues are having on old laws. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Don't Bieber your deposition

Three years ago, I wrote a post entitled, 10 tips for preparing for your deposition, in which I offered some ideas for how to best prepare to give a deposition in case in which you are a witness. The tips includes the common sense (tell the truth), to the more esoteric (beware leading questions).

Today, I’m updating that top-10 list with an 11th tip: Don’t be a Bieber. Earlier this week, TMZ leaked the video of the highlights (or lowlights, depending on your perspective) of the deposition Justin Bieber gave in a case in which a photographer claims Bieber ordered his bodyguard to attack him. This deposition might go down as the worst performance ever given under oath.

It is rare that you will win a case during your deposition. The person asking the questions is not your friend. The inquisitor is looking for opportunities to trip you up, put words in your mouth, and make you look bad. Yet, while you can’t win a case during your deposition, you certainly can lose it. You can make admissions that you don’t need to make, or you can come off looking like Bieber did in his video—like an a-hole.

The video is entertaining, but it’s also instructive. If you are being deposed, don’t play games. Don’t feign fake ignorance. Don’t get smart or act smarmy. Yes, it’s an unpleasant experience to be under oath. Don’t make it worse by giving a Bieber-like performance.

So, thank Biebs. You provided me the perfect instructional tool for me to show my witnesses before they are deposed, so they don’t act like you.

[Hat tip: Eric Meyer and Phil Miles]

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

EEOC issues new guidance on religious dress and grooming in the workplace, one of the best websites for legal information, recently relaunched. Its relaunch features posts by well-known bloggers, including yours truly.

My first post at discusses the EEOC’s recently published Q&A on reasonable accommodation of religious dress and grooming in the workplace. Please click over to check out the revamped, and my first contribution.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Gender equality is dead; long live gender equality!
I rarely write about active cases I’m handling. In fact, I can only think of one other time that I was mad enough to do so. Today marks time number two. Each involves a galling lack of professional courtesy.

I’m currently in the middle of a contentious piece of litigation in western Pennsylvania. The witnesses, however, are scattered all of the country, including two in Dallas, who I had to go to court to defeat a motion to compel their attendance in PA for their depositions. On Friday, I received a phone call from plaintiff’s counsel (who is in his mid to upper 70s), in which he told me he intended to take their depositions in Dallas this coming Wednesday and Thursday. I responded that even if they could be available on such short notice (they can’t be), I’m unavailable because my wife is traveling those two days for her job and one of us needs to be home with the kids.

His response floored me. He says, “You’re a lawyer. It’s unprofessional for you to plan your schedule around your wife. She should be at home taking care of the kids.”

We don’t live in an Ozzie & Harriet world anymore. Long gone are the days when a wife would be waiting at home to greet her husband with a pair of slipper and a martini while she put dinner on the table. Women work. My wife (who, by the way, gave up her career for 6 years to stay at home with our children) has restarted her career. Her job requires her to travel, which means we share a travel calendar. To make sure that our kids are never abandoned, we clear all travel with the other’s out-of-town schedule before making our own business arrangements.

Readers, please don’t carry this attitude into your business. There is only one unhappy ending to telling one of your employees that his wife, or she, belongs at home with the children. It starts with law- and ends with -suit. Women have the right to work, and neither they, nor their spouses, should be punished for exercising that right, regardless of their chosen profession.

As for which one of us in my tale was acting unprofessionally, I leave that decision up to you.

Friday, March 7, 2014

WIRTW #310 (the “suck it” edition)

Have you heard the one about the daughter who posted on her Facebook page about her dad’s age discrimination settlement with his old company? As it turns out, writing, “Mama and Papa Snay won the case against Gulliver. Gulliver is now officially paying for my vacation to Europe this summer. SUCK IT,” violated the confidentiality language in Papa Snay’s settlement agreement, causing him to forfeit an $80,000 settlement payment. Oops.

The following blogs have more on this very interesting story:
Here’s the rest of what I read this week:

Social Media & Workplace Technology
HR & Employee Relations
Wage & Hour
Labor Relations

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Read this post before you access your employee’s social media accounts

Susan Fredman Design Group employed Jill Maremont as its Director of Marketing, Public Relations, and E-Commerce. In that capacity, she used her own personal Twitter account and Facebook page to promote SFDG’s business. To keep track of the various social media campaigns she was conducting for SFDG, Maremont created an electronic spreadsheet, on SFDG’s computer and saved on SFDG’s server, in which she stored the passwords for her accounts. It appears that Maremont provided access to, or copies of, the spreadsheet to other SFDG employees to assist in her social media posts on behalf of the company.

Maremont suffered injuries in a serious car accident that kept her out of work. During that time, she claimed that SFDG employees, without her permission, accessed her Facebook and Twitter accounts and posted on her behalf.

In the ensuing lawsuit—Maremont v. Susan Fredman Design Group (N.D. Ill. 3/4/14)—Maremont alleged violations of the Lanham Act (that SFDG unlawfully passed itself off as Maremont), and the Stored Communications Act (that SFDG unlawfully accessed her electronic accounts without her permission). The district court dismissed the Lanham Act claim, but permitted the Stored Communications Act claim to proceed to trial.

Legal intricacies aside, the case is both instructive and troubling.

This case is instructive because it shows the danger when a company fails to brings its social media accounts in-house. Maremont used her personal Facebook and Twitter accounts for her employer. When she was out of the office for an extended period of time, instead of letting its social media presence falter, SFDG used Maremont’s account information to continue posting. How could SFDG have avoided these potential legal traps and an expensive lawsuit? Either by requiring that Maremont use its own social media accounts for official company business, or by having a written agreement with her that it had the right to access her mixed-use personal accounts. The former is cleaner and less risky, but the latter would have still likely kept it out of court, even if mixed-use accounts are harder to untangle at the end of employment.

This case is troubling because it sets the precedent that an employer to which an employee provides passwords to the employee’s social media accounts cannot access those accounts for business purposes. By all appearances, Maremont provided her account information and passwords to her coworkers. SFDG could not have foreseen that it would violate federal law by using them to continue Maremont’s work while she was incapacitated. Yet, that is exactly what happened.

What’s the main takeaway here? If you are going to permit your employees to use their personal social media accounts for business purposes, get it in writing that you have rights to the accounts. Define who else can access the accounts, and what happens with them if the employee is incapacitated or no longer employed. Otherwise, you are potentially exposing yourself to an expensive and uncertain lawsuit to define these rights in court after the fact.

[Hat tip: Internet Cases]

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Following doctor’s orders helps employer win ADA case

Cynthia Horn worked for Knight Facilities Management as a janitor. Sometime in 2010, she developed a sensitivity to cleaning chemicals. Her doctor initially limited her to a maximum of two hours of chemical exposure per eight hour work day. When that limitation failed to abate Horn’s symptoms, her doctor modified the restrictions to “no exposure to cleaning solutions.”

As a result, Knight Facilities fired Horn. It concluded that there was no work available to accommodate her restrictions, because the chemicals were airborne and merely working in the building resulted in exposure. Management spoke to Horn’s union rep, on Horn’s behalf, to try to find a solution before firing her, but none could be found. Notably, Knight Facilities refused to allow Horn to use a respirator, concluding that its use did not meet Horn’s restriction and, even if it did, it would cause an undue hardship because Knight Facilities would have to buy respirators for all of the other janitors.

In Horn v. Knight Facilities Management-GM, Inc. (2/25/14), the 6th Circuit affirmed the district court’s dismissal of Horn’s disability discrimination claim. In determining whether the employer could reasonable accommodate Horn’s disability, the court started, and ended, with the limitation imposed by Horn’s doctor—“no exposure to cleaning solutions.” Horn claimed that the company either should have: (1) eliminated restrooms on her cleaning route, or (2) provided her a respirator. The court disagreed:

We find that neither proposed accommodation is objectively reasonable because they both fail to comply with the physician-mandated restriction of “no exposure to cleaning solutions.” Eliminating the bathrooms on Horn’s route or assigning her to a new route without bathrooms are not reasonable accommodations because it is undisputed that Horn’s job still would have involved exposure to cleaning chemicals. Likewise, there is no evidence that working with a respirator would have complied….

Her restriction was “No exposure to Cleaning Solutions” and that would include using or touching cleaning solutions. And while Horn asserts that a respirator could have eliminated or significantly reduced her respiratory exposure, she provides no actual evidence to support this statement, much less evidence showing that a respirator would have prevented all exposure. Horn’s personal belief that she could handle cleaning solutions as long as she was wearing a respirator is irrelevant.

While the ADA requires that you engage a disabled employee in the interactive process, as Horn illustrates, the employee’s specific medical limitations can dictate the boundaries of that interactive process and the scope of the accommodations you have to consider offering. If you legitimately cannot make an accommodation that meets the employee’s limitations, then the employee is not “qualified” under the ADA, and therefore unprotected by that law.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

When are preliminary and postliminary compensable? Supremes to let us know (maybe).

Yesterday, the Supreme Court agreed to hear Busk v. Integrity Staffing Solutions, to answer the following question (via SCOTUSblog):

Whether time spent in security screenings is compensable under the Fair Labor Standards Act, as amended by the Portal-to-Portal Act.

“What does this mean,” you ask? In Busk, the plaintiffs claimed their employer illegally failed to compensate them for the time they spent passing through a required security check at the end of each shift. According to the plaintiffs, employees waited up to 25 minutes to be searched; removed their wallets, keys, and belts; and passed through metal detectors. They claimed that the checks were “necessary to the employer’s task of minimizing ‘shrinkage’ or loss of product from warehouse theft.”

The FLSA, as amended by the Portal-to-Portal Act, generally, precludes compensation for activities that are activities that are preliminary or postliminary to the employees’ principal activities. Preliminary and postliminary activities—those that are “integral and indispensable” to an employee’s principal activities—are compensable. To be “integral and indispensable,” an activity both must be (1) necessary to the principal work performed and (2) done for the benefit of the employer.

In Busk, the court concluded that the plaintiffs had sufficiently alleged that the security clearances were necessary to their primary work as warehouse employees and done for their employer’s benefit. Therefore, the district court erred in dismissing the wage-and-hour claim.

This  case is the second in as many years that the Supreme Court will hear on this issue. Earlier this year, in Sandifer v. U.S. Steel, the Court concluded that the time employees spent donning (putting on) and doffing (taking off) their protective gear was not compensable under their collective bargaining agreement.

There are lots of other examples of preliminary of postliminary activities that could be occurring in your workplaces besides putting on and taking off protective gear, or security screenings. For example, your employees might spend time logging on to their computers before their work days officially begin. Or they might spend time at the end of their shifts transitioning to the next shift. I am hopeful that Busk will provide employers needed guidance on the compensability of these activities. Stay tuned!

Monday, March 3, 2014

NLRB looks to expand reach with latest enforcement priorities

Late last month, the new NLRB General Counsel, Richard Griffin, published a memo (GC 14-01) outlining the matters that the Regions must submit to the NLRB’s Division of Advice for guidance on how to proceed. The memo is of key importance to employers, because it signals those matters that  will be an enforcement priority for the agency moving forward.

Of particular note, the memo lists the following two issues:

Why are these two issues important to employers? Because they show that the NLRB continues to look for ways to expand its reach beyond the traditional union/management setting. As I’ve been arguing for years, the NLRB is looking for ways to become relevant to the 93 percent of employees not covered by a collective bargaining agreement. The Board has cornered the market on social media cases, and is now expanding its reach to other issues—the rights of non-union employees to representation in disciplinary meetings, and email solicitation rules.

It is clear that it is going to be an interesting three years under the current iteration of the NLRB. Employers should expect movement on these two issues. Stay tuned.

Friday, February 28, 2014

WIRTW #309 (the “Hello, and welcome to Moviefone” edition)

Before there was Google or Fandango, there was Moviefone. Growing up, if we wanted to go to the movies, we didn’t have the luxury of iPhones or the Internet. But, we had 777-FILM, the ubiquitous (and free) telephone service that would tell us what movie was playing when and where. Now, of course, we have Fandango and iPhones, and, quite frankly, I’m surprised Moviefone’s telephone service lasted as long as it did. So, with a nostalgic tear, this week we bid adieu to Moviefone’s 25-year-old telephone service. At least we’ll always have Kramer:

Here’s the rest of what I read this week:

Social Media & Workplace Technology
HR & Employee Relations
Wage & Hour
Labor Relations

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Has social media created too much workplace transparency?

I have two confessions to make: 1) I don’t read much anymore, at least not for pleasure. 2) I can’t do work on airplanes.

“How are these related,” you ask? I used to read a lot. Now, though, I do all my reading at work. After a long day of reading briefs, and motions, and cases, the last thing I want to do at night is read more. The only time I read is when I fly. I don’t enjoy business travel, but I do enjoy the few hours of solitude with a good book (unless the guy sitting next to me knocks back 4 vodka-OJs in the first 10 minutes of the flight and then falls asleep on my shoulder while he continuously passes wind — true story).

On Monday I was in Houston on an injunction hearing attempting to enforce a non-compete, which meant that on Sunday night and Monday evening, I had dedicated airplane-pleasure-reading time. My book of choice was The Circle, by Dave Eggers. It tells the story of a Bay-area company that has cornered the market on social media and e-commerce, through the eyes of one of its new superstar employees, Mae.

Early in Mae’s employment, she gets called into HR because she failed to respond to a co-worker’s online request that she attend his Portugal-themed party. Mae had, years earlier, posted pictures of a trip to Lisbon on her Circle page, which led this co-worker to believe that she liked all things Portuguese, which, in turn, caused his turmoil when she ignored his party invite.

I tell this part of the story in response to an article I came across yesterday on, entitled, How social media has changed the way co-workers bond (hat tip Eric Meyer). The article hypothesizes:
Social networking has made it easier to form personal relationships with co-workers. On sites such as Facebook and Instagram, where people share their likes and dislikes, family photos and new hobbies, people gain insight into colleagues that could provide the basis for forging stronger workplace bonds.
Which is true. But, with transparency comes responsibility. What had previously been a trivial interpersonal matter (a declined invite) becomes a potential HR matter. How much you permit your employees to connect on social media sites will, in part, depend in how much of their personal lives you want leaking into your workplace, balanced against the ease of connectivity and relationship formation.

Nevertheless, today’s ignored invitation could be tomorrow’s harassment complaint. There is no right or wrong answer to this question. It is a decision guided by corporate culture and risk tolerance. What is important, however, is to make the decision and communicate it to your employees in your social media policy, so that everyone understands your culture and its impact on your social media expectations and limitations.

Oh, and go read The Circle. It’s fabulous.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Why we put plaintiffs to their proof

Because of the relative newness of the issue, it always seems newsworthy when the NLRB issues a social-media decision. World Color (USA) Corp. (NLRB 2/12/14), however, is much ado about nothing, but nevertheless reminds us of the importance of the process of litigation to the outcome of litigation.

John Vollene, a press room operator at World Color and member of his union’s bargaining committee, made several posts on his personal Facebook page critical of his employer. Vollene was Facebook friends with several co-workers, including his shift supervisor, Arvil Bingham. Shortly after Vollene’s posts, World Color’s employees voted to decertify the union. Shortly thereafter, the company reassigned Vollene as part of a restructuring of its pressroom operators. When Vollene asked Bingham why he was being reassigned, Bingham implied that management knew about his Facebook posts.

The NLRB concluded that Vollene had not proven that he had not been reassigned in retaliation for his Facebook posts, which could have constituted protected concerted activity:

However, the record here does not include a printout of Vollene’s posts, and it provides scant evidence regarding their nature. It reveals neither that the posts concerned terms and conditions of employment, nor that the posts were intended for, or in response to, Vollene’s coworkers. The testimony indicates only that Vollene posted unspecified criticisms of the Respondent and unspecified comments about the Union over a period of 5 or 6 months, and that he responded to another person’s initial post. The record does not identify that individual either by name or as a coworker. Based on this limited evidence, we will not infer that Vollene’s posts amounted to protected concerted activity. That Bingham’s statement implied that the Respondent had reacted adversely to critical posts is insufficient to bridge the evidentiary gap here.

Do not read too much into this decision. An employee’s Facebook posts critical of his or her employer can constitute concerted activity protected by section 7 of the NLRA. In this case, however, the NLRB concluded that because there was no evidence presented of the specific posts at-issue, or how Vollene’s co-workers responded to them. Thus, Vollene had not proven his case.

I have little doubt that if Vollene had put on evidence of the specific posts, and his co-workers reaction to them, this case could have turned out differently. This case serves as a good reminder of why we, as employers and their lawyers, put plaintiffs to their proof. A lawsuit is merely a collection of unproven facts. No law has been violated until a plaintiff  proves those facts through evidence. If the plaintiff doesn’t have the evidence to support the alleged facts, the plaintiff loses. That’s what happened here, which illustrates the importance of the litigation process to the outcome of cases.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Mind your internal emails to avoid discrimination issues

Shazor v. Professional Transit Mgmt., Inc. (6th Cir. 2/19/14), interests me for two reasons. First, it discusses and applies a “sex-plus” theory of discrimination to save a plaintiff’s race discrimination and sex discrimination claims from the summary-judgment scrap heap. “Sex-plus” recognizes that race and sex are not mutually exclusive, and protects African-American woman as a class of their own. I commend Shazor to your reading list for its interesting narrative on this issue.

I want to discuss, however, the other interesting aspect of Shazor—the evidence the plaintiff used to avoid summary judgment. She submitted various emails between two corporate executives, in which they unflatteringly referred to her as a “prima donna,” “disloyal, disrespectful,” and a “hellava bitch.” Shazor successfully argued that these emails were code for “angry black woman” or “uppity black woman.” The court used these emails as prima-facie evidence of discrimination in support of her “sex-plus” claim.

Emails is a powerful communication tool. It’s also very permanent. I’ve been saying this about social media for years, but perhaps it’s time to remind employers that communication is communication, no matter how it’s transmitted. If you don’t want something to appear on the front page of the newspaper, or to be read in front of a judge or jury, don’t put it in writing. Don’t email it, don’t text it, don’t Facebook it, and don’t tweet it.

“I have a solution,” you say. “What about apps like Confide, which erases a text message as soon as the recipient reads it.”

While these apps seem like a perfect way to communicate under the radar, their use for business purposes gives me great pause. The intent of this class of apps is to delete communications. I could very easily see a court, confronted with evidence that people have this app on their iPhones and use it for business communications, have willfully destroyed evidence. Spoliation and evidence destruction discovery sanctions would result. For this reason, I believe that company mobile-device policies should police the use of apps like Confide, Snapchat, and their message erasing ilk. And, while your reviewing your policies, mix in some training for your employees about the responsible use of electronic communications.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Is obesity the same as a green mohawk?

It’s been a few months since I’ve written about the growing trend of plaintiffs trying to shoehorn obestity-discrimination claims under the Americans with Disabilities Act. At his Employer Handbook Blog, Eric Meyer brings us the story of Powell v. Gentiva Health Services, in which a 5’ 3”, 230 pound woman claimed that she was fired because her employer perceived her as disabled on account of her morbid obestiy.

The district court did not buy her argument, likening one’s obestity to a green mohawk:
Plaintiff’s argument improperly equates a physical characteristic (i.e., overweight status) with an impairment. However, plenty of people with an “undesirable” physical characteristic are not impaired in any sense of the word. To illustrate the point, suppose plaintiff wore her hair in a neon green mohawk. Such an unconventional hairstyle choice might be viewed as unprofessional, and might well impede her efforts to sell hospice services to physicians and senior living facilities, but it obviously is not a physical impairment. The same goes for weight. An overweight sales representative may have difficulty making sales if the prospective customer perceives her appearance to be unprofessional, but that does not render her weight a “physical or mental impairment” within any rational definition of the phrase. 
The court continued, however, by envisioning a scenario in which weight could be an ADA-protected disability:
Of course, … an employer may perceive an employee’s overweight status to constitute a physical impairment. For example, suppose an employer believes that an overweight job applicant cannot climb a ladder, or walk across a parking lot, or climb flights of stairs, and therefore does not hire the overweight individual for a job that requires such activities. That might give rise to “regarded-as” status for an ADA claim in the post-ADAAA world. But that is not what we have here. Powell points to not a shred of evidence that Gentiva viewed her weight as a physiological disorder that affected any of her body systems.  
Here’s where I think this court got this issue wrong. If making sales is an esential function of the job (and, given that Powell was a salesperson, it’s safe to assume that makes sales was an essential function of her job), then I don’t see how making sales is any different than climbing a ladder, at least as far as the ADA’s “regarded-as” scheme is concerned.

Powell did not lose her claim because the ADA does not protect obesity. Powell lost her claim because she had absolutely no evidence that her employer considered her obese, let alone considered her weight in making its decision to fire her.

Whether or not the ADA protects obesity as a disability is an issue that the courts will debate for years. While there is no clear answer, given the breadth of the ADA’s coverage, employers take a big risk when firing an overweight employee because of his or her weight. So, what’s the easy answer on how to handle this issue? Don’t take appearance into account when making employment decisions. Hiring and firing should be image-blind, performance-only decisions. If you stick to that principle, the obesity-as-disability debate should never enter your workplace.

Friday, February 21, 2014

WIRTW #308a (the “big block of cheese” edition)

Tomorrow marks the 177th anniversary of President Andrew Jackson opening the White House doors to the public to share his 1,400 pound block of cheese. You read that correctly. The President of the United States, (1) owned a 1,400 block of cheese; (2) which he kept in the White House; (3) the doors of which he opened to 10,000 Washingtonians; (4) who took all of two hours to devour it whole. Mental Floss has the entire story, which includes Old Hickory’s apparent love of all things cheddar.

Try to wrap your 2014 brain around that.

Here’s the rest of what I read this week:


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Labor Relations