Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Deterring the wage-and-hour scofflaw

The New York Times reported late last week that a Manhattan Domino’s Pizza franchisee has settled a wage-and-hour class action lawsuit for $1.28 million.

Sixty-one delivery drivers alleged that managers told them that they would only be paid for 40 hours per week, no matter how many hours they worked. The drivers alleged that they often worked more than 40 hours in a week, sometimes as many as 65. The awards range from $61,300 to $400 per delivery person, depending on length of employment.

I suppose cases like this one shouldn’t stun me, but they still do. I’m appalled that employers, in 2014, remain ignorant about, or, worse, deliberately ignore, their obligations under the wage-and-hour laws. And, I’m not talking about the law’s minutia, like payment for travel time, or calculating an overtime rates on performance bonuses. I’m taking about the basics, such as you have to pay overtime to non-exempt employees who work more than 40 hours in a week.

Some argue that stories like this one illustrate that we need tougher wage-and-hour laws to deter employers from stealing wages from their employees. I think the laws are tough enough. $1.28 million is a tough nut for any business to swallow. Instead, we need education. For the ignorant, we need to teach them about the FLSA and its complex web of requirements. For the scofflaws, we need to continue to publicize cases like the Domino’s Pizza settlement in the hope that they get the message. The laws we have are more than sufficient to protect employees’ wages, provided we do our share to secure compliance.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Is regular attendance an essential job function when an employee asks for time off from work?

I’ve written before about the need for employers to handle with care an employee’s request for unpaid time off as a reasonable accommodation under the ADA. And, I’ve also written about the hard line the EEOC has taken against hard-capped leave of absence policies.

All is not lost, however, for an employer who needs to deny a leave of absence to a sick or injured employee, provided that the circumstances are right and the requests is handled correctly.

To be eligible for protection under the ADA, an employee must be a “qualified” individual with a disability. “Qualified” means that the employee must be able to perform the essential functions of the job with, or without out, a reasonable accommodation. If regular attendance is a bona fide essential function of the job, than an employee who needs a leaves of absence as his or her only accommodation will not be “qualified,”
entitling an employer to deny the accommodation request.

“Isn’t regular attendance essential to every job,” you ask? Unfortunately, in the context of the ADA, the answer is “no.”

Attendance may be an essential function of a job, provided that the circumstances warrant such a finding.

  • Is an organization sufficiently staffed such that an employee’s job functions can be performed in his or her absence?
  • Will the employer sustain added overtime costs as a result of an employee’s absence?
  • Will the employer have to hire substitute employee(s) to cover for the absent employee?
  • Does a written job description list attendance as an essential function?
  • Does the employer have formal policies providing for leaves of absence, or otherwise have a history of granting leaves to employees?

In other words, does the proposed accommodation impose an unreasonable and undue hardship on the employer? If the answer is yes, then attendance is an essential function, and a leave of absence cannot be a reasonable accommodation.

The Southern District of Indiana recently examined this issue in EEOC v. AT&T Corp. In that case, AT&T denied a leave of absence to an employee, Lupe Cardona, needing time off for Hepatitis-C treatments. AT&T argued that regular attendance was an essential function of the employee’s job as a customer service specialist. The court disagreed, and concluded that a jury should make the ultimate determination:

  1. The only evidence AT&T submitted in support of its argument that attendance was an essential function of the job was the disciplinary notices it provided to Cardona for her absences.
  2. The job description for Cardona’s position failed to list attendance as an essential function.
  3. AT&T maintains 22 different leave-of-absence plans, which belies its claim that attendance is an essential function.

As the court pointed out in AT&T, “regular attendance is important in any job.” Important, however, does not always equate to essential. The bona fides must support the claim. Given the hard line the EEOC has drawn against the rote denial of leaves of absence as an ADA accommodation, employers should make a careful determination before denying a leave of absence as a reasonable accommodation. You might be able to support the decision based on attendance as a reasonable accommodation, but, as the AT&T case illustrates, you must have the facts to support your decision.

Friday, January 31, 2014

WIRTW #306 (the “donning and doffing” edition)

Earlier this week, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its first employment decision of 2014, Sandifer v. U.S. Steel [pdf], which held that the time employees spent donning (putting on) and doffing (taking off) their protective gear is not compensable under their collective bargaining agreement by operation of section 203(o) of the Fair Labor Standards Act. For background on Sandifer, see my coverage of last October’s oral argument. For more on section 203(o) of the Fair Labor Standards Act, see my coverage of a 2010 6th Circuit opinion, which Sandifer reversed. For more on the Sandifer opinion, see the following from my blogging brethren:

Here’s the rest of what I read this week:


Social Media & Workplace Technology

HR & Employee Relations

Wage & Hour

Labor Relations

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Eliminating Mad-Men workplace policies #SOTU

During Tuesday’s State of the Union Address, President Obama handed down the following edict:
It’s time to do away with workplace policies that belong in a “Mad Men” episode.
He’s correct. His comment was directed at a commitment to expanding equal-wage and family-leave laws. However, this statement is as much about workplace culture as it is about workplace laws. After all, the FMLA is a floor, not a ceiling.

Coincidentally, the morning after the SOTU, I came across the following post, written by Mary Wright at Blogging4Jobs.com: Build a Culture of Workplace Flexibility. In that post, Mary makes the argument for creating a culture of workplace flexibility, built around these seven tent-poles:
  1. Choices in managing time
  2. Flex time and flex place
  3. Reduced time
  4. Time off
  5. Flex careers
  6. Dealing with overwork
  7. Supervisor and coworker support
I’ve been thinking a lot about this issue this week, as my wife has been out of town on a business trip, making me a single dad, solely responsible to get kids to and from school and to attend to two snow days. The practice of law isn’t always conducive to parenthood. Yet, this week I’ve been in the office less than I would otherwise like to be, taking advantage of remote network access from home and the comforts of shifting some work until after the kids are asleep. It’s not easy, and it’s not ideal, but for me, it works, and I appreciate the flexibility. Do the same for your workers, if and when you can. Trust me, they will they appreciate it. Even better, you will keep quality workers engaged and employed, which is a win-win for everyone.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A lesson on union avoidance

Last week, the Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics published its annual report of union membership. Private-sector union membership remains steady, at approximately 6.7 percent, which, as Cleveland.com points out, is a marginal increase from the prior year. Nevertheless, and perhaps emboldened by a favorable ear at the NLRB, labor unions have become more active in trying to organize workers. Even the players on Northwestern University’s football team are trying to organize.

Do you know what to do if a labor union comes knocking at your door? Do you know what you can say to your employees if you hear the whispers of unionization floating through your workplace?

More importantly, do you know what you cannot say to your employees about labor unions and their organizing efforts? Take, for example, Phillips 66 (1/15/14) [pdf], in which the NLRB recently concluded that the employer unlawfully interrogated an employee when a supervisor asked him, “What’s your opinion of this union thing?”

Interrogation is one of the four cardinal sins of employer opposition of labor unions. The other three? threats, promises, and spying. The four are easy to remember. They spell the well-used acronym TIPS (Threats, Interrogation, Promises, Spying).

PolicyMic recently published an internal Wal-Mart slide deck (hat tip: The HR Capitalist), which discusses the TIPS strategy in detail. Wal-Mart uses these slides to train its managers and supervisors on the right way, and the wrong way, to respond to union organizing.

PolicyMic took Wal-Mart to task for “encouraging managers into repeating anti-union talking points.” To the contrary, I applaud Wal-Mart for being proactive in ensuring that its managers know what they can, and cannot, say about unions, and for implementing a tactical, measured, and lawful response to union organizing.

Your managers and supervisors are your front-line defense against unions. They will hear the scuttlebutt among the employees. They will know whether your employees are happy and content, or dissatisfied and eager for change. They will be the ones to whom your employees communicate via your Open Door Policy (you have an Open Door Policy, right?) when they have a gripe or concern? And, they will be your mouthpiece to communicate to your employees your lawful corporate stance on labor unions, and the impact a union will have on your workplace.

The Wal-Mart slide deck is a great starting point for you to formulate and communicate your corporate philosophy and message on labor unions. Your friendly neighborhood labor and employment lawyer (nudge, nudge) is another. The point, however, is to have your strategy in place before a union comes knocking. Once the union starts talking to employees, your anti-union torpedo better be in the tube and ready to fire. Otherwise, you might just find yourself at the bargaining table discussing that first collective bargaining agreement.

For more on my ideas on strategic union avoidance, head over to a post I wrote all the way back in 2009, Adopt the TEAM approach to fight unions, or check out Chapter 8 in my book on workplace laws, The Employer Bill of Rights, which covers this topic in much greater detail.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Are temporary impairments ADA-protected disabilities? You bet.

When Congress amended the ADA in 2009, it’s goal was to bring the statute back to its original intent — the protection of the legitimately disabled from suffering discrimination in the workplace.
Suppose an employee suffers a serious injury to his legs that prevents the employee from walking and restricts him to a wheelchair, but with surgery and lots of physical therapy the employee will regain the us of his legs at some point in the future. Is this employee “disabled” under the ADA? More specifically, if the employer refuses even to consider any reasonable accommodation that will permit the injured employee to return to work, and instead fires the employee, has the employer violated the ADA?

According to the 4th Circuit’s decision late last week in Summers v. Altarum Institute, the answer is a resounding “yes.”
The EEOC’s decision to define disability to include severe temporary impairments entirely accords with the purpose of the amended Act. The stated goal of the ADAAA is to expand the scope of protection available under the Act as broadly as the text permits. The EEOC’s interpretation — that the ADAAA may encompass temporary disabilities — advances this goal. Moreover, extending coverage to temporarily impaired employees produces consequences less “dramatic” than Altarum seems to envision. Prohibiting employers from discriminating against temporarily disabled employees will burden employers only as long as the disability endures. Temporary disabilities require only temporary accommodations.…
In sum, nothing about the ADAAA or its regulations suggests a distinction between impairments caused by temporary injuries and impairments caused by permanent conditions. Because Summers alleges a severe injury that prevented him from walking for at least seven months, he has stated a claim that this impairment “substantially limited” his ability to walk.
Employers should not hold out hope that other circuits will interpret the ADAAA’s application to temporary impairments differently. The 4th Circuit is one of the more notoriously conservative circuits. More employee-friendly circuits (our 6th Circuit, for example) should have little difficulty reaching the same conclusion.

The takeaway for employers is no different from that which I have been cautioning for years. Disability discrimination cases will no longer focus on whether an employee is legally “disabled,” and instead will focus on whether an employer engaged the employee in the interactive process towards a reasonable accommodation. If you focus on the former and ignore the latter, as Summers illustrates, you will be fighting a severely uphill battle in defending your actions in court.

[Hat tip: Workplace Prof Blog and Eric Meyer’s Employer Handbook Blog]

Monday, January 27, 2014

High praise for The Employer Bill of Rights

It’s always nice for someone to post a five-star review of your book on Amazon, but it’s even nicer when one of the most well-respected and insightful HR bloggers writes an entire column singing your book’s praises.

Suzanne Lucas (otherwise known as the Evil HR Lady), at Inc.com, wrote a review of The Employer Bill of Rights that made me blush. Thank you, Suzanne, for such kind words:
If you want to make sure you avoid getting [sued] in the first place, I highly recommend not only getting an employment lawyer, but reading Hyman’s book. It will give you the information you need to make better choices regarding your employees and your business.
I couldn’t agree more. For those who’ve yet to find my tome, it’s available at the following:
I’ll be back tomorrow with new information to help keep from getting sued, discussing how one court just ruled that the ADA covers temporary impairments.

Friday, January 24, 2014

WIRTW #305 (the “encore” edition)

In case you haven’t seen the latest and greatest band sweeping Cleveland’s western suburbs, I bring you Norah and the Troopers, courtesy of the Strongsville School of Rock blog (okay, now I’m flat-out shilling like an exuberant dad — full video here: http://youtu.be/IAxcUCleMtg).

And, while I’m shilling, it doesn’t get any better than some from Rhett Miller, the lead singer of The Old 97's (isn't Twitter great?)
Here’s the rest of what I read this week:

Social Media & Workplace Technology
HR & Employee Relations
Wage & Hour
Labor Relations

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The workplace ethics of class-segregated bathrooms—the results

Two weeks ago I posed this question: Is it acceptable for a company to prohibit warehouse workers from using office bathrooms?

The results? By a margin of two to one, my readers expressed that it is not acceptable for a business to segregate its restrooms by class of workers.

This issue is not one of management rights versus worker rights. Or one of employer versus employee. Instead, this issue is about setting the correct tone for your workplace to send the right message to your employees. Do you want to be workplace of harmony and teamwork, or secularism and division? Do you want everyone to work towards a common goal, or fight amongst themselves based on their perceived station?

Yes, there are certain situations in which separate restrooms will be necessary (safety and cleanliness come to mind). But, telling certain employees, for no good reason, that certain bathrooms are off limits plants seeds of disharmony and segregation that will not help your business achieve its best. Openness and inclusion breed teamwork and dedication. You want your employees to perceive management as part of the team, not as feudal overlords. your policies should reflect this goal.

As for me, I’m off to use my golden key to use our executive washroom. Enjoy your day.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

When is 1,250 not 1,250? Hours worked versus hours paid for FMLA eligibility

For an employee to be eligible to take leave under the FMLA, the employee must have been employed for at least 12 months, and have at least 1,250 “hours of service” during the previous 12-month period.

Hours of service means hours actually worked by the employee. It does not mean hours paid. Thus, paid non-working time—such vacations, holidays, furloughs, sick leave, or other time-off (paid or otherwise)—does not count for purposes of calculating one’s FMLA eligibility.

What does this rule look like in practice? Saulsberry v. Federal Express (6th Cir. 1/10/14) provides an example. In support of his claim that Fed Ex wrongfully denied leave under the FMLA, Pernell Saulsberry relied upon a document entitled, “Federal Express Corporation Employee Monthly Trend Report.” That report listed his “HR PAID TOT” for the previous 12 months as”1257.29.” The same report, however, listed Saulsberry’s “HR WKD TOT” as “1109.29.” At deposition, Salsberry admitted that the “Paid Tot” included paid time off during which he performed no services for Fed Ex, and the “Wkd Tot” accurately reflected the number of hours he had actually worked. Thus, because he worked less than the required 1,250 hours, the 6th Circuit concluded that Fed Ex legally denied his request for FMLA leave.

This case illustrates the importance of accurate time records. Whatever time tracking and payroll system you use, it must the ability to differentiate between time paid and time worked. It saved Fed Ex from an FMLA claim in Saulsberry, and it could likely save you too if an employee is on the 1,250-hour FMLA bubble.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Why I don't like most non-disparagement clauses (and 3 tips to fix them)

Will Blythe recently penned an op-ed in the New York Times entitled, Fired? Speak No Evil. In this piece, Mr. Blythe chronicled his recent job loss, and why he refused to sign a separation agreement that included a non-disparagement clause.

Like Mr. Blythe, I don’t like most non-disparagement clauses. Theses causes are exceedingly common in separation and settlement agreements. But, familiarity does not breed sensibility. These clauses are hard to control, hard to enforce, and encourage more litigation, not less.

Yet, most employers will insist on including these clauses in their agreements to hedge against the dead speaking ill of them. For your consideration, here are a three drafting points for your next non-disparagement clause:

     1. Hard to control? Who does a non-disparagement clause bind? If it just says, “Employer,” how does the agreement define “employer?” Even if you’re a small organization, can you control what Joe-coworker says about your departing employee, and do you want to have to advise every employee in your organization about potential non-disparagement obligations, and control what they say? I have two suggestions to help ease the pain of this issue. First, define who, specifically, the clause covers; don’t leave it open-ended to bind your entire organization. Second, at least as job references are concerned, put some controls in place. Define who is to be contacted, and what that contact-person is permitted to say. Even consider a predetermined script to limit any potential violations.

     2. Hard to enforce? Most non-disparagement clauses say something like, “Employer [and Employer] agree not to disparage, or make any negative comments about, the other,” which simply begs the question, what do “disparage” and “negative comments” mean? If you are serious about including this clause, define the terms. For example, your state will have a well-developed body of case law discussing and defining the meaning of defamation. This case law is a great starting point (and, maybe, end point) for this definition.

     3. Encouraging litigation? If a separation leaves bad blood between the parties, a non-disparagement clause is an easy way for a spiteful ex-employee or ex-employer to drag the other back into court. Separation and settlement agreements are supposed to end the parties’ relationship and cease litigation, not act as a breeding ground for more. To cure this ill, tie a loser-pays clause to this provision. If a losing parties has to pay the other’s attorneys’ fees, one will think long and hard before exercising the right to sue for a breach of a non-disparagement clause.

Non-disparagement clauses are ripe for sloppy and vague drafting, which can result in parties ending up where they wanted to avoid—the courthouse. Following these three tips will help you shore up your language to create non-disparagement clauses that you can actually rely upon, and, if necessary, enforce.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Stand by your employees: an ode to Norah and the Troopers

For the past nine months, my daughter has been taking guitar lessons at School of Rock in Strongsville. This past fall, we upped her from private lessons to the performance program, which, for the beginning students, is known as Rock 101. Her band started with four other kids, but quickly dwindled to just Norah, as the others bailed for various reasons. With a band of only one, the school initially suggested canceling the program for this session. Knowing my daughter, and believing both that she’d want to continue and would be comfortable even as the only child in the band, I asked that the show go on. And it did. And, what a show she gave this past weekend. Here are the results of her hard work.

I have some people to thank, and then I’ll get to the lesson of today’s post (so you don’t think I’m just using this space to shamelessly brag about the awesomeness of my 7-year-old daughter, playing to a standing-room-only house — and, yes, she was tears-to-my-eyes awesome). Thanks to John Koury, the GM of the Strongsville School of Rock, and Shelley Norehad, the school’s owner, for letting Norah do her thing, all by herself, and not cancelling the program as her band mates dropped out. Thank you also to Norah’s amazing guitar teacher, Ed Sotelo. And, finally, thank you Norah’s band: Kayleigh Hyland (bass, keys, and backing vocals, and also the Rock 101 director), Donald Pelc (guitar), and Dominic Velioniskis (drums).

Here’s the takeaway for employers. Stick with your employees, especially in times of difficulty and adversity. They might just surprise you, and may even do something amazing. It would have been very easy for School of Rock to decide that they couldn’t make money on a program of one, and tell us that Norah would have to wait until the Spring for her first Rock 101 experience. Instead, they embraced the enthusiasm and work ethic of a 7-year-old girl and let the show go on. As a result, they allowed her to walk off the stage with a club full of strangers chanting her name. (Contact me for booking info).

Friday, January 17, 2014

WIRTW #304 (the “happy life” edition)

I sometimes use this weekly space to get personal. Today will be one of those posts.

My 5-year-old son, Donovan, was born with Noonan Syndrome. NS is a variably expressed, multisystem genetic disorder, occurring in every 1 in 1,000 – 2,500 births. In Donovan’s manifestation, he has, among other things, pulmonary valve stenosis and a platelet function disorder, and is, and will likely always be, small in stature (although given that I’m not quite 5’ 7” and my wife not quite 4’ 11”, the genetic height cards were stacked against him anyway). We are extraordinarily thankful that Donovan seems to have dodged the developmental and learning disorders that can occur. As we have learned in the five years since his diagnosis, however, something new is always around the bend. (For more information on Noonan Syndrome, please visit the website for the Noonan Syndrome Foundation, an organization to which I am proud to volunteer my time as its outside counsel.)

A few months ago Donovan caught some of Life According to Sam, the stunning and moving HBO documentary chronicling the life of Sam Berns, his struggle with Progeria, and his family’s quest for better understanding of, and cure for, this rare genetic disorder. Donovan, whose television diet usually revolves around SpongeBob and Pixar, became transfixed by this very adult story. After watching most of it in silence, he turned to my wife and me and asked, “Am I going to die like that boy?” It was our first real glimpse that Donovan has an understanding of the medical issues with which he lives.

Last Friday, Sam Berns died. A few months before his passing, he gave a Ted Talk, entitled, My Philosophy for a Happy Life. It is well worth 12:45 of your time.

We should all embrace the small things, and live a happier life as a result.

Here’s the rest of what I read this week:


Social Media & Workplace Technology

HR & Employee Relations

Wage & Hour

Labor Relations

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Separation of protected activity and discipline can protect employers from retaliation claims

Can an employee succeed on a retaliation claim if the decision maker did not know about the alleged protected activity at the time the employer decided to terminate? The answer, according to McElroy v. Sands Casino (E.D. Pa. 1/9/14), is no.

Darryl McElroy, a dealer at the Sands Casino, submitted his FMLA request to the employee in Defendant’s human resources department who deals with benefits inquiries, Stacey Berasley. As was her practice, Berasley sent the claim to the company’s outside third-party benefits administrator, for a determination on the FMLA request. She did not tell anyone at the company about McElroy’s request for FMLA leave. Two months later, the company fired McElroy for harassing a co-worker. Berasley played no role whatsoever in the termination. McElroy claimed the termination was in retaliation for his FMLA request. The court disagreed, and dismissed the FMLA-retaliation claim.
But there surely can be no causal relationship between an FMLA request and a termination, and any temporal proximity cannot be considered suggestive, if the party making the termination decision had no knowledge of the FMLA request…. Here, none of the individuals involved in Plaintiff’s termination knew about his FMLA inquiry…. The record indicates that only Berasley knew about Plaintiff’s FMLA inquiry, and she has declared, “As is my practice with all questions regarding FMLA leave, I did not tell anyone in the Human Resources department or any of Mr. McElroy’s managers about his inquiry.” Nothing in the record could support a jury’s determination that anyone else knew; therefore, the retaliation claim fails as a matter of law.
In a perfect world, every company would operate like the employer in this case, with a separate department to handle FMLA request, which, in turn, minimizes the risk that a decision maker will learn of an FMLA request before taking an adverse action. As we all know, however, our world is far from perfect. Your organization might not be big enough to enjoy this luxury, or, maybe the employee tells someone other than an FMLA administrator of a need for FMLA leave.

Whatever the case, you can help insulate your company from retaliation claims by training your employees to treat FMLA requests (and other instances of protected activity) as need-to-know. The less people who know that an employee asked for FMLA (or made a harassment complaint, or filed an EEOC charge…), the better you will be to claim that the decision maker had no knowledge of the protected activity.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

You can’t always get what you want … but even when you do it’s an “adverse employment action”

Suppose an employee applies for a transfer to an open position. The company decides to hire an external candidate and passes on transferring the employee. Yet, when the same position again becomes vacant nine months later, the company involuntarily transfers that same employee into the position. Is the transfer to the very same position (with the same pay, benefits, prestige, and responsibility), for which, just nine months earlier, that employee had applied, an “adverse employment action” sufficient to support a claim of discrimination?

Amazingly, in Deleon v. City of Kalamazoo (1/14/14) [pdf], the 6th Circuit answered, “Yes.”

[A]n employee’s transfer may constitute a materially adverse employment action, even in the absence of a demotion or pay decrease, so long as the particular circumstances present give rise to some level of objective intolerability…. [W]e conclude that Deleon has met his threshold at the summary judgment stage…. Deleon provided evidence that he was exposed to toxic and hazardous diesel fumes on a daily basis. He testified further that he had to wipe soot out of his office on a weekly basis. As a result, Deleon claims that he contracted bronchitis, had frequent sinus headaches, and would occasionally blow black soot out of his nostrils….

We emphasize that the key focus of the inquiry should not be whether the lateral transfer was requested or not requested, or whether the aggrieved plaintiff must ex tempore voice dissatisfaction, but whether the “conditions of the transfer” would have been “objectively intolerable to a reasonable person.”

There is so much wrong with this opinion that I don’t know where to start. Perhaps the best place is Judge Sutton’s scathing, common-sense dissent, which ends thusly (as will today’s post):

Whatever the correct interpretation of the employment retaliation laws may be, they surely stop at this line: imposing liability on employers whether they grant or deny an employee’s request for a transfer…. An interpretation of the retaliation laws that subjects employers to liability coming and going—whether after granting employee requests or denying them—will do more to breed confusion about the law than to advance the goals of a fair and respectful workplace. Even after plumbing the depths of logic, experience, case law and common sense, I must return to this surface point: When an employee voluntarily applies for, and obtains, a job transfer, his employer has not subjected him to an adverse employment action.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

You might be a defendant if … you ask applicants for a family medical history

According to this press release, a New York nursing and rehabilitation center will pay $370,000 to settle a genetic discrimination lawsuit filed by the EEOC. The EEOC claimed that the employer asked job applicants for a family medical history as part of its post-offer, pre-employment medical exams.

The ADA permits employers to conduct medical exams after an employer makes a conditional job offer, but before the employee starts work, as long the employer does so for all entering employees in the same job category. Whether or not an employer can gather a family medical history as part of this post-offer/pre-employment exam, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, which prevents employers from requesting genetic information or making employment decisions based on genetic information, renders family-medical-history collection illegal.

Medical-related inquiries by employers are complicated and rife with risk. To ensure full compliance with the law, do not include questions about family histories in these examinations. Otherwise, in the words of EEOC New York District Director Kevin Berry, “There are real consequences to asking applicants or employee for their family medical history. The EEOC will pursue these cases to the fullest extent of the law to ensure that such genetic inquiries are never made of applicants or employees.”

Monday, January 13, 2014

Cursing as religious harassment—context matters

With The year was 1985. I was 12 years and spent the summer at overnight camp. When you spend 8 weeks alone in the woods with a dozen other 12-year-old boys, you curse, a lot. After 8 weeks of “f-this” and “f-that,” it shouldn’t have surprised my parents when, at the dinner table on my first night home from camp, seeking my seasoning on my meal, I asked my mom to “pass the f***king salt.” Needless to say, they were very surprised, and very un-amused.

I thought of this story after reading Griffin v. City of Portland (D. Ore. 10/25/13) (h/t: The Blue Ink), a case in which an employee of deeply religious convictions claimed religious harassment based, in part, on her co-workers’ repeated taking of the Lord’s name in vain.

The court concluded that a line exists between the use of general profanity in the workplace and the use of profanity directed at the plaintiff because of her religion:

The record suggests that Parks and Recreation employees at the Mt. Tabor yard frequently used profanity out on the yard and in the office. Suggestions in the record that profanity was used even when Ms. Griffin was not present indicate that much of it was not motivated by her religious beliefs. As I interpret the guiding precedent, even the category of profanity that uses “God” or “Jesus Christ” as part of a curse does not necessarily trigger the “because of” standard. If the speaker used the terms out of habit, perhaps without even thinking of their religious connotations, and not because of Ms. Griffin’s beliefs, then such language would not satisfy the “because of” standard and could not be used to support the claim.

With language, context matters. For example, it was okay to use salty language to ask for the salt at summer camp; at the dinner table with my parents, not so much. Similarly, Ms. Griffin’s employer will skate on her harassment claim if she cannot prove that her co-workers cursed “because of” her religion.

Nevertheless, employers should take seriously all harassment complaints in the workplace. If an employee complains about profanity, don’t ignore the complaint. Most cases of workplace profanity won’t turn into a lawsuit. Nevertheless, when it rears its head, use it as a tool to educate your employees appropriate versus inappropriate language, the value of context when choosing words, and the importance of being tolerant and considerate around all employees.

Friday, January 10, 2014

WIRTW #303 (the “toilet humor” edition)

True story. I just learned of a company (not a client) that maintains two sets of bathrooms—one for its “office” employees and one for its “warehouse” employees—and never the twain shall meet. The company forbids the warehouse workers from using the office restrooms. I’m not sure if the converse is also true, but given the air of snootiness that would lead to such a policy in the first place, I doubt management would grace the warehouse restroom with its presence.

Do I need to tell you that you are sending the wrong message to your workers if you have class-segregated bathroom? Or, am I off-base?

Readers, what do you think?

Here’s the rest of what I read this week:


Social Media & Workplace Technology

HR & Employee Relations

Wage & Hour

Labor Relations

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Blackballing as retaliation

Do you remember Diana Wang, the unpaid intern who sued Hearst Corporation, claiming that the publisher violated that Fair Labor Standard Act by not paying her? Two years later, she claims that she cannot find work as a result of her lawsuit.

Let’s break this down. Filing a lawsuit claiming a violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act (or Title VII, or the ADA, or the ADEA…) is protected activity. Refusing to hire someone who engaged in protected activity is illegal retaliation. Ergo, refusing to hire someone who filed a lawsuit claiming a violation of the FLSA (or Title VII…) is illegal retaliation.

So, if Ms. Wang can prove that prospective employers are not hiring her because of her prior lawsuit against a former employer, then she would have a good retaliation claim. Hunches, however, do not equal proof, and, the proof, as they say, is in the pudding. It may be that other applicants are more qualified. Or, it may be that employers are wary of hiring a qualified, but litigious, employee.

Employers don’t like getting sued. Therefore, it makes sense that they want to minimize their risk of getting sued by not hiring employees who show a propensity to sue other employers. Employers need to understand, however, that such a rationale is retaliatory, and could result in the very lawsuit they are trying to protect against—provided, of course, that the applicant can prove the prior lawsuit was the reason (or a motivating factor, depending on the nature of the underlying protected activity) for the failure to hire.

What’s the answer for businesses? Hire blind. Not every lawsuit will be as highly publicized as Ms. Wang’s. If you are going to search applicants’ backgrounds for civil lawsuits, limit the search to lawsuits that relate to the job (lawsuits against the applicant involving issues of dishonesty, for example). If you don’t look for protected activity, you will be able to insulate yourself from a retaliation claim that could result from it. And, if you happen to come across a lawsuit against an ex-employer in an applicant’s past, do the right thing and ignore it. Hire based on ability and qualifications, not litigiousness and fear.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Tread lightly if banning workplace gossip, says NLRB Judge

I recently came across a blog post that answered the question of how to deal with workplace gossip. One solution you might want to avoid is a policy banning it outright, at least according to the recent opinion of an NLRB Administrative Law Judge in Laurus Technical Institute [pdf].

Laurus distributed a no-gossip policy to its employees. Among other non-work-related prohibitions, the policy prohibited employees from “talking about a person’s professional life without his/her supervisor present.” It also bans any discussion of one’s personal life outside of one’s presence, any disparaging comments or criticism of another, or the creating, sharing, or repeating of rumors about another or of information that could damage another’s reputation or credibility.

The ALJ concluded that this policy was vague and overly-broad, and therefore illegal under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act.

It narrowly prohibits virtually all communications about anyone, including the company or its managers. In fact, read literally, this rule would preclude both negative and positive comments about a person’s personal or professional life unless that person and/or his/her supervisor are present. Such an overly broad, vague rule or policy on its face chills the exercise of Section 7 activity, and violates Section 8(a)(1).
It’s been argued that the private workplace is where free speech goes to die. And it’s true that employees in the private sector do not have free-speech rights. Yet, the NLRB, through its activist interpretation of Section 7’s protected concerted activity rights are trying to change the rules. 

The no-gossip rule in Laurus Technical Institute was innocuous. On its face, it was attempting to cure the corruption, distraction, and moral-sapping caused by gossip among employees. No employee could reasonably read that policy to affect discussions about wages, hours, and other terms and condition of employment. Yet, the ALJ still used Section 7’s reach to invalidate the rule.

Until the NLRB reaches a more reasonable stance on this issue, employers need to tread carefully, and consult with counsel, about any policy that reaches workplace speech. In the meantime, if gossip among employees is a pervasive problem harming your workplace, but you are wary about being in the NLRB’s crosshairs, consider training your employees about the evils of gossip and the meaning of a respectful workplace. This training will likely pay a better dividend than a policy statement in a handbook that most employees probably ignore, or never read in the first place.