Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Lying about medical leave fatal to disability claim

On Saturday my 7-year-old made his first reconciliation. To what could a 7-year-old possibly have to confess? If you list the 10 big ones, lying would probably take the top spot for the 7-year-old set. It’s a life lesson, however, that some never seem to learn.

Case in point? Mattessich v. Weatherfield Township (Ohio Ct. App. 2/8/16) [pdf], in which a depression-suffering police officer was terminated for lying about his medical leave.

Monday, February 8, 2016

A labor union filed an Uber-huge representation petition with the NLRB

Politico New York reported last week that International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 1430, petitioned the NLRB to represent 600 New York area Uber drivers. You can read the representation petition here.

Uber is locked in a battles all over the county with its drivers, defending lawsuits claiming that its drivers are employees for wage-and-hour purposes. This case, however, brought in the most employee friendly forum Uber drivers could possibly find, is the first attempt by drivers to organize. And because of the employee-friendliness of the NLRB, this story has the potential to be absolutely huge.

Friday, February 5, 2016

WIRTW #399 (the “happy” edition)

So we’re in the car Wednesday night, and I mention to the fam that I’m excited because, today, a new Starbucks is opening downstairs from my office. Without missing a beat, and with complete sincerity, Donovan, my 7-year-old, says, “Oh dad, I’m so happy for you.” I love my kids.

Here’s the rest of what I read this week:

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Can an employer prohibit an employee from job hunting during FMLA leave?

Earlier this week, an employee out on FMLA leave posed the following question to the Evil HR Lady:
While I am out for surgery, I was informed of a new job in another hospital. It looks like no one has applied for the position.… Can I apply for this job while I am on leave? What is the consequence of doing so? Can they take my pay back? On one of the FMLA paperwork, it states no job hunting while on FMLA. Is that true? I do not want to be in some legal battle.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Now is the time to restore balance to Ohio’s employment discrimination law: Endorsing the Employment Law Uniformity Act

For lack of more artful description, Ohio’s employment discrimination law is a mess. It exposes employers to claims for up to six years, renders managers and supervisors personally liable for discrimination, contains no less than four different ways for employees to file age discrimination claims (each with different remedies and filing deadlines), and omits any filing prerequisites with the state civil rights agency.

Monday, State Senator Bill Seitz introduced Senate Bill 268 [pdf], the Employment Law Uniformity Act. It is a business-friendly attempt at comprehensive reform of Ohio’s employment discrimination statute.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The top 10 mistakes employers keep repeating

Today is Groundhog Day, which, because of the eponymous Bill Murray movie, has become synonymous with repeating the same mistakes over, and over, and over…

In that spirit, I thought we’d take a look at the 10 biggest mistakes that employers keep making.

In no particular order:

Monday, February 1, 2016

EEOC proposed significant pay equality changes to EEO-1

If your company has 100 or more employees, you should be very familiar with the federal government’s EEO-1 survey. The EEOC requires that you annually complete and file this form, which requests demographic on your employees, broken down by protected classes and job categories.

Last Friday, the White House made a game changing announcement about the information it proposes you submit in your EEO-1 filings.

Friday, January 29, 2016

WIRTW #398 (the “doorbell” edition)

Someday, Donovan will comb through the archives of this blog and ask, “Dad, you sure wrote a lot about Norah’s music. What about mine?”

So, in the name of equal time and equal pride, I bring you Zombie Fried Chicken, with Donovan on keys (and big sis on drums), doing the White Stripes “My Doorbell.” (Donovan’s song intro, by the way, was totally spontaneous and improvised, and purely adorable).

Here’s the rest of what I read this week:

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Consensus starting to form around reasonable reporting rules for off-the-clock overtime pay

It’s been a few years since the 6th Circuit held, in White v. Baptist Memorial Hosp., that an employer is not liable for unpaid overtime if the employee fails to follow an established, reasonable process for to report uncompensated work time.

Yesterday, following the logic of White, the 5th Circuit reached a similar conclusion:

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Guest Post: Social Business and HR, Part 2

First, thanks again to Jon Hyman for the chance to write on a different but related topic – Social Business. As I mentioned in Part 1, I’m finding that a surprisingly high percentage of HR folks have not yet tapped into the incredible power of the Social Web. Perhaps this series will be helpful, at least at a high level. Feel free to question or comment in the Disqus form at the end of the post.

In Part 1 of this 3-part series on Social Business, the subject was Online Reputation Management. In this Part 2, the focus will be on Social Business and Internal Communications. We will finish the series in Part 3 with a look at the 3 R’s - Recruiting, Recognition, and Retention and how Social Business amplifies those efforts.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

DOL doubles down on joint employment under the FMLA

Yesterday, we looked at the DOL’s recent guidance on joint employment under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Simultaneously with its FLSA guidance, the DOL also published guidance on joint employment under the FMLA, and it’s definitely worth you time.

Monday, January 25, 2016

The federal assault on joint employment continues

First it was the NLRB. Next it was OSHA. Now, the Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division is taking its turn cracking down on joint employment.

Last week, the WHD launched a microsite entitled, Joint Employment under the FLSA. Most notably, this site included the publication a new Administrator’s Interpretation, which picks up the NLRB’s liberalized joint employer standard by relying on indirect or potential control, in addition to actual control, as the lynchpin of joint employment.

Friday, January 22, 2016

WIRTW #397 (the “Woodstock” edition)

I'm well aware that I write a lot about my daughter’s music, but I do so because (a) I know a lot you enjoy it, and (b) I’m a really proud dad. Today, I’m doing so again, because last Saturday Norah blew me away. Her “Psychedelic 60s” show closed with the Jefferson Airplane classic “Somebody to Love”, with Norah absolutely killing it on lead vocals.

You have another chance to catch the show live, tomorrow at the Music Box Supper Club. Norah’s band takes the stage at 1 pm, and the show is free.

Here’s the rest of what I read this week:

Thursday, January 21, 2016

SCOTUS calls a balk on attempted class-action pick-offs

It’s been almost three years since the Supreme Court decided, in Genesis HealthCare Corp. v. Symczyk, that an employer moots an FLSA collective action when the named plaintiff rejects an offer of judgment that would have satisfied all of the claims brought in the case.

Or did it?

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Appellate court reinstates sex-discrimination claim of transgendered worker

A federal appellate court reinstated the sex-discrimination claim of a transgender auto mechanic. Credit Nation Auto Sales fired Jennifer Chavez less than three months after she notified it of her gender transition.

The employer argued that it fired her because it caught her sleeping in a customer’s vehicle while on the clock. Even though the court concluded that the employer’s reason was “true and legitimate”, it nevertheless reversed the trial court’s dismissal of the sex-discrimination claim.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

NLRB continues to slam employers on mandatory arbitration clauses

Last week, the Huffington Post reported that Guitar Center was requiring all of its employees to choose between signing arbitration agreements or losing their jobs.

I have been critical of employers’ use of arbitration agreements because I do not believe that they provide employers with a quicker, cheaper, and less risky alternative to a judicial resolution of employment disputes.

The NLRB is also highly critical of arbitration agreements, but for a wholly different reason. The NLRB believes that such clauses unlawfully infringe on the rights of employees to engage in protected concerted activity.

Friday, January 15, 2016

WIRTW #396 (the “walking dead”) edition

I love the creativity of children, mine or otherwise. Donovan can’t recall which of his bandmates came up with the name for his Rock 101 band (performing two free shows at the Music Box Super Club — Jan. 16 @ 2:30 and Jan. 23 @ 1:00), and it’s too good not to share: Zombie Fried Chicken.

There are bands everywhere that wish they had thought of the name first. Too bad, it’s taken.

Here’s the rest of what I read this week:

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Ohio court muddles the issue of counterclaims-as-retaliation

Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “It is impossible to suffer without making someone pay for it; every complaint already contains revenge.” Litigation, however, is no place for revenge. The question I am most asked by clients after they are sued, besides, “How much is this going to cost me,” and “After I win I can collect my attorneys’ fees from that bastard,” is, “How do I countersue that bastard for _________?”

A recent Ohio appellate decision will, unfortunately, muddle the answer to this question.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

OSHA now thinks that it can cite facilities it hasn’t even visited

Central Transport operates trucking terminals around the country. As a result of OSHA’s investigation of one facility in Massachusetts, the agency fined the company $330,800 for violations relating to powered industrial trucks. That, in and of itself, is not that remarkable. What OSHA did next, however, should cause your head to spin.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

EEOC stakes its turf on the issue of sexual orientation discrimination

As I thought of which David Bowie song to support today’s effort, the one that leapt to mind is “Space Oddity” (I was going to use “Changes”, but Dan Schwartz already claimed it for his post yesterday).

To me, it is a complete oddity that, in the 2016, it is still statutorily legal for an employer to fire an employee because of that employee’s sexual orientation. On this point, the EEOC and I see eye-to-eye. The difference, however, is that the EEOC is in a position do so something about it. What it is not doing is sitting around and waiting for Congress to do something about it.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Employers feeling good about win in EEOC wellness case

Nine months ago, the EEOC published proposed regulations detailing how and when employers can maintain wellness incentives for employees under group health plans without running afoul of the ADA’s voluntariness requirements for medical exams.

In the closing minutes of 2015, a Wisconsin federal court issued an opinion in one of the first lawsuits filed by the EEOC that had challenged an employer wellness program as an ADA violation. The resulting victory for the employer may cause the EEOC to rethink its wellness-incentive strategy.

Friday, January 8, 2016

WIRTW #395 (the “rock 'n' roll grade school” edition)

It’s been a bit since I’ve shared any music from Norah’s gigs, so I thought I’d share a clip of three songs from her show last weekend (blue hair and all) with the School of Rock Jr. Headliners.

As for Norah’s bands, you have a few opportunities to see them live over the next few weeks (with more to be added):

  • Jan. 16, Norah’s Psychedelic 60s show takes the stage at the Music Box Supper Club, beginning a 3 pm, with a short set by Donovan’s Rock 101 band leading off at 2:30.
  • Jan. 23, Norah’s Psychedelic 60s show again performs at the Music Box Supper Club, beginning a 1 pm, followed by Donovan’s Rock 101 band at 2:30.
  • Feb. 7, the School of Rock Jr. Headliners continue their monthly residency at Coda, in a pre-Superbowl show from 1 – 4.
  • Feb. 13, the Jr. Headliners play the Tri-C High School Rock-Off Finals, on the main stage at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

Here’s the rest of what I read this week:

Thursday, January 7, 2016

And we have an early leader for worst employer of the year

sanis-enterprises-sil-toilet-desk-clock-2-75-h-x-2-5-l-x-1-75-wA federal court judge has ordered a Philadelphia-area publishing company, American Future Systems, to pay its employees $1.75 million in unpaid wages. The company’s sin? It docked its employees for time spent going to the bathroom.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

According to OSHA, Ohio is one of the unsafest states for workers

Did you know that OSHA publishes statistics for high-value enforcement cases? Each week, OSHA updates a state-by-state list of enforcement cases with initial penalties above $40,000.

Since we just wrapped 2015, I thought it was a good time to take a peak at the list to grab an annual snapshot.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Don’t ignore reasonable accommodations in the application process

Eliminating barriers in recruitment and hiring is one of six national priorities identified by EEOC’s Strategic Enforcement Plan. Large national employers provide the EEOC with a soapbox to broadcast this agenda. Thus, a lawsuit filed by the agency against McDonald’s Corp. for its alleged refusal to interview a deaf job applicant is a perfect ADA-storm.

Monday, January 4, 2016

NLRB champions the lone wolf in latest protected concerted activity decision

In Whole Foods Market [pdf], the NLRB held that the employer’s rules prohibiting employees’ use of recording devices in the workplace violated their rights to engage in protected concerted activity under the National Labor Relations Act.

The unlawful policies read as follows:

It is a violation of Whole Foods Market policy to record conversations, phone calls, images or company meetings with any recording device (including but not limited to a cellular telephone, PDA, digital recording device, digital camera, etc.) unless prior approval is received.…

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The 12 Days of Employment Law Christmas (2015 Edition)

For the past three Noels, I published “The 12 Days of Employment Law Christmas.” As this has become a year-end tradition at the blog, I’m sharing it again (with updated links). If you’re feeling brave, post a video of yourself singing along.

Have a great end to your 2015, and happy holidays, regardless of your holiday of choice.

(Some musical accompaniment)

On the first day of Christmas,
my employment lawyer gave to me
a lawsuit for my company.
On the second day of Christmas,
my employment lawyer gave to me
2 trade secrets,
and a lawsuit for my company.
On the third day of Christmas,
my employment lawyer gave to me
3 FMLA notices,
2 trade secrets,
and a lawsuit for my company.
On the fourth day of Christmas,
my employment lawyer gave to me
4 collective actions,
3 FMLA notices,
2 trade secrets,
and a lawsuit for my company.
On the fifth day of Christmas,
my employment lawyer gave to me
5 Facebook firings,
4 collective actions,
3 FMLA notices,
2 trade secrets,
and a lawsuit for my company.

On the sixth day of Christmas,
my employment lawyer gave to me
6 guys-a-lying,
5 Facebook firings,
4 collective actions,
3 FMLA notices,
2 trade secrets,
and a lawsuit for my company.
On the seventh day of Christmas,
my employment lawyer gave to me
7 sex harassers,
6 guys-a-lying,
5 Facebook firings,
4 collective actions,
3 FMLA notices,
2 trade secrets,
and a lawsuit for my company.
On the eighth day of Christmas,
my employment lawyer gave to me 
8 discriminating managers,
7 sex harassers,
6 guys-a-lying,
5 Facebook firings,
4 collective actions,
3 FMLA notices,
2 trade secrets,
and a lawsuit for my company.
On the ninth day of Christmas,
my employment lawyer gave to me
9 OSHA penalties,
8 discriminating managers,
7 sex harassers,
6 guys-a-lying,
5 Facebook firings,
4 collective actions,
3 FMLA notices,
2 trade secrets,
and a lawsuit for my company.
On the tenth day of Christmas,
my employment lawyer gave to me
10 labor campaigns,
9 OSHA penalties,
8 discriminating managers,
7 sex harassers,
6 guys-a-lying,
5 Facebook firings,
4 collective actions,
3 FMLA notices,
2 trade secrets,
and a lawsuit for my company.
On the eleventh day of Christmas,
my employment lawyer gave to me
11 personnel manuals,
10 labor campaigns,
9 OSHA penalties,
8 discriminating managers,
7 sex harassers,
6 guys-a-lying,
5 Facebook firings,
4 collective actions,
3 FMLA notices,
2 trade secrets,
and a lawsuit for my company.
On the twelfth day of Christmas,
my employment lawyer gave to me
12 disabled workers,
11 personnel manuals,
10 labor campaigns,
9 OSHA penalties,
8 discriminating managers,
7 sex harassers,
6 guys-a-lying,
5 Facebook firings,
4 collective actions,
3 FMLA notices,
2 trade secrets,
and a lawsuit for my company.
Merry Christmas!

I'll be back on January 4, 2016, to kick off the new year.

Monday, December 21, 2015

7th Circuit delivers employers an early Christmas gift in EEOC severance agreement case

In EEOC v. CVS Pharmacy, Inc., the EEOC challenged what I have previously described as several garden-variety, boilerplate provisions in a severance agreement. I’ve also previously predicted that a win for the EEOC in this case would be ruinous for employers.

Late last week, the 7th Circuit affirmed the decision of the district court, which had dismissed the EEOC’s lawsuit based on its failure to conciliate with CVS prior to filing suit.

And, the 7th Circuit agreed, affirming the case on those grounds. But, the 7th Circuit also went further, and offered hope to employers this federal courts will not stand for the folly the EEOC is trying to put forth by filing this type of case.

Friday, December 18, 2015

WIRTW #394 (the “re-gift” edition)

What do you do with gifts that are less than desirable? John Oliver shares his ideas on the dos and don’ts of re-gifting.

I won’t get mad if you re-gift this post or any others of mine to your reader or followers.

Here’s the rest of what I read this week:

Thursday, December 17, 2015

What Star Wars teaches us about employee relations #TheForceAwakens

My earliest cinematic memories involve Star Wars.

I don’t really remember seeing A New Hope in the theater (I was only 4 years old), but I know I did. I vividly remember watching The Empire Strikes Back with my dad at the Nashaminy Mall. The theater was packed, we were stuck behind two towering men, and I watched with my head peaking between their seats. That’s where my jaw hit the floor when Vader proclaimed that he was Luke’s father. And, with my fandom at a crescendo, I remember my parents pulling me out of school on opening day of Return of the Jedi so that we could wait in line to ensure our seats.

Thank god for Fandango, because Donovan, with his now one-tracked Star Wars mind, and I can see The Force Awakens without disrupting his schooling. Saturday afternoon, I will experience the pure joy of introducing my son to a new Star Wars movie.

The premier of Episode VII has got me thinking, what can Star Wars teach us about employment law?

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Why we accommodate employees

Lyerly v. Southwest Airlines (S.D. Tex. 12/9/15) provides a textbook example of why we accommodate employees. This employer bent over backwards to accommodate an ill employee, and, as a result, had little difficulty in defeating her subsequent disability-discrimination lawsuit.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

What you need to know (for now) about smartphone use and overtime pay

I first wrote about the possibility of employees seeking unpaid overtime for time spent away from work checking emails on mobile devices all the way back in 2007, and have kept writing about it since (for example, here and here). Now, more than 8 years later, we finally have the first judicial decision on whether non-exempt employees are owed overtime or other compensation for this off-the-clock time. The result is a mixed bag for employers.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Professionalism, social media, and the workplace

An employee was recently terminated because of this post on his personal Facebook page:

Friday, December 11, 2015

WIRTW #393 (the “Darth Trump” edition)

The Internet was invented in 1983. It’s taken me 32 years to figure out why. The Internet was invented so that someone could replace audio of Darth Vader with audio of Donald Trump in Star Wars clips.

Darth Trump wins the Internet.

Here’s the rest of what I read this week:

Thursday, December 10, 2015

#ElderlyChristmasSongs and age discrimination

#ElderlyChristmasSongs Feliz Off My Lawn

2 Days of Christmas Because That s All I Can Remember #ElderlyChristmasSongs

Yesterday, #ElderlyChristmasSongs trended on Twitter. Yes, it’s meant to be a joke, and, yes, some were even funny. Now here’s the part where I get to play Employment Law Scrooge.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Alcoholism and ADA: former USC coach Steve Sarkisian files suit over his termination

On October 12, USC fired its head football coach, Steve Sarkisian. Yesterday, Sarkisian filed a 31-page, 14-count complaint in California state court challenging his termination. The crux of his claims? That USC violated state disability-discrimination laws by terminating him because of his disability and failing to accommodate his disability—alcoholism. 

There is no doubt that the ADA protects alcoholism as a disability. The law, however, draws a line between protected addiction and unprotected on-the-job misconduct , even when the former causes the latter.

This case will test the limits of that line.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

U.S. Chamber takes on the NLRB’s Theater of the Absurd

waiting-for-godotIf you’ve been reading my blog for any length of time, what I am about to tell you should not come as a shock—I’m not a huge fan of the current iteration of the NLRB.

Yes, labor unions have a right to exist, and, yes, employees have the right to join them, and, yes, unions have the right to collectively bargain for wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. When the NLRB operates correctly, it balances the rights of employers, unions, and employees to maintain industrial peace. Currently, the NLRB is not operating correctly.

My main critique of the NLRB is not with its handling of the 7% of the American workforce that is collectively bargained (although that has issues too), but instead with its handling of the other 93%. The NLRB has waged a war over the past five years on the issue of protected concerted activity, and nowhere do the NLRB’s opinion and my opinion differ more than over the issue of employee handbooks and workplace policies.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Can you legally deck the workplace halls?

star2012The holiday season is in full swing. Gifts are flying off the shelves, FedEx is delivering too many Amazon-logoed boxes to count, and lights, trees, and wreaths are everywhere.

What about the workplace? Can you legally decorate for the holidays at work? And, if you do, does the law require that you accommodate all religions in your holiday displays? The answer might surprise you.

Friday, December 4, 2015

WIRTW #392 (the “miles and miles and miles” edition)

Yesterday afternoon was the Fall Play-In at my daughter’s school. It’s essentially a music recital for the kids in grades K – 5 who take private music lessons. Amid a chorus of Christmas and classical pieces on the grand piano, Norah rocked The Who’s I Can See For Miles on her Fender, which she recently started learning. Like always she’s her own toughest critic. To me, and everyone else there, she sounded great.

Here’s the rest of what I read this week:

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Are you prepared for an active shooter at your workplace?

Today’s post was going to be about accommodating different holiday traditions at work, but that post will have to wait. Yesterday, San Bernardino happened.

It’s not right that we have to think about how to respond if an active shooter enters your workplace. It’s not right that the phrase active shooter is even part of our vocabulary. But, we do, and it is. And your business needs to know how to respond in the event this evil enters your business.

Thankfully, your friendly neighborhood Department of Homeland Security has put together a guide on how to respond to an active shooter [pdf].

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Does the ADA protect Charlie Sheen? You bet.

Perhaps it’s a coincidence that the EEOC released guidance on the ADA’s protection of HIV-positive employees within two weeks of Charlie Sheen announcing his diagnosis. Or, perhaps the EEOC seized on an opportunity to spread awareness about an important issue.

Regardless, yesterday the EEOC published information on the legal rights of employees living with HIV.

Most importantly, employers need to understand that the the ADA makes no distinction between an employee who has asymptomatic HIV and one who suffers with the AIDS virus. An employer cannot discriminate against an employee because of one’s HIV status, and an employer must make reasonable accommodation, if necessary, to enable that employee to perform the essential functions of the job.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Wage-and-hour issues continue to confound employers, with more looming

Two stories on Employment Law360 caught my attention: McDonald’s To Pay $1.5M To Settle Workers' Wage Suit and Wage Suits Hit Record High Amid Focus On Worker Rights.

First, McDonald’s Corp. agreed to pay $1.5 million to settle a lawsuit claiming that it had failed to compensate a class of employees for time associated with cleaning work uniforms.

On the heels of that story, Employment Law360 reported that new federal-court wage-and-hour suits hit an all-time high in 2015, up 8% from 2014 (8,781 versus 8,160).

What does this mean for employers?

Monday, November 30, 2015

Should you allow employees to shop online from work?

Today is Cyber Monday, the day online retailers promote their (alleged) deepest holiday discounts. It is estimated that more than 125 million Americans will take advantage of these sales and shop online today. And, many, if not most, of them will do so from work.

The latest available numbers suggest that more and more companies are allowing employees to shop online from work. As of 2014, 27% of employers permit unrestricted access to employees shopping online while at work, up from 16% in 2013 and 10% and 2012. Meanwhile, 42% allow online shopping but monitor for excessive use, while 30% block access to online shopping sites. Similar data is not yet available for 2015, but one can assume that these numbers have continued to trend towards greater access for employees.

Yet, just because companies allow a practice to occur does not mean it makes good business sense. Should you turn a blind eye towards you employees’ online shopping habits, not just today, but across the board? Or, should you permit more open access?

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Everything you want to know about employee holiday pay (but are afraid to ask)

Yesterday I said that I’d be back next week, but then I checked the analytics for my site and noticed a huge spike for a post that digs deep into the archives: 8 things you need to know about holiday pay.

So, since tomorrow is Turkey Day, with most businesses closed, the magic of a quick cut-and-paste brings you everything you wanted to know about holiday pay for your employees.

For those of you who have Thursday and Friday off, enjoy your holiday weekend. Eat, drink, shop, be merry, and, most of all, enjoy your families and be thankful for all that you have.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Announcing my induction to the Blawg 100 Hall of Fame

Blawg 100 Hall of FameMost people assume that the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame indicated seminal acts such as the Rolling Stones as part of the museum’s inaugural class. Those assumptions are wrong. The Stones did not earn their enshrinement until 1989, in the Hall’s fourth year.

I guess I’m the Rolling Stones of legal bloggers. Yesterday, the ABA Journal inducted me into its Blawg 100 Hall of Fame, in the fourth year the magazine has bestowed such an honor. It also marks my sixth consecutive (and last) honor in the Blawg 100. As a Hall of Famer, I’m required to stand aside for future Blawg 100 lists to make room for new blood.

Monday, November 23, 2015

One early unexpected result from the NLRB’s ambush election rules

The first six months of the NLRB’s ambush election rules have resulted in one expected result and one unexpected result.

On the expected front, the median time from the filing of a representation petition to the holding of an election has dropped nearly 40 percent, from 38 days to 23 days.

What is the unexpected result?

Friday, November 20, 2015

WIRTW #391 (the “headliner” edition)

In my never-ending quest to turn my legal blog into a promotional blog for my daughter’s nascent music career, I bring you the debut performance of this year’s School of Rock Jr. Headliners — Sunday, December 6, from 4 to 8 pm, at Coda (a new, and supposed very cool, music venue owned by Cleveland chef and restaurateur Dante Boccuzzi).

For the uninitiated, the Jr. Headliners is SoR’s audition-only band for kids 8th grade and under (there is another Headliner band for high schoolers, which will also be on the bill). Norah earned her spot on her vocal chops.

Here’s a tease from the band’s “preview” performance at SoR’s annual Halloween bash — Jet’s Are You Gonna Be My Girl.

My standing offer is still good. If you’re at the gig, say hi, and mention the blog, your next drink of choice is on me.

Here’s the rest of what I read this week:

Thursday, November 19, 2015

New workplace app raises old issues

At the beginning of 2015, I reported on the launch of a new app — Memo — which allowed employees to post anonymous comments or complaints about their workplaces. Microsoft has now joined the fray of workplace griping apps with one of its own, called Forum.

According to the app’s description, it “lets ideas thrive, facilitates open dialogue within organizations, and enables employees to freely express themselves.” More importantly, unlike Memo, Forum appears to be non-anonymous. From iMore: “Forum has apparently been designed primarily for businesses to give their employees a chance to speak their minds and connect with their fellow workers and executives.”

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The cost to defend a discrimination lawsuit (and can you do anything about it)

Two and a half years ago I asked, How much does it cost to defend an employment lawsuit? My answer:

The reality is that defending a discrimination or other employment lawsuit is expensive. Defending a case through discovery and a ruling on a motion for summary judgment can cost an employer between $75,000 and $125,000.

Oh, how I love to be right.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

John Oliver shares his thoughts on “Ban the Box” #ShouldWeBanTheBox

maxresdefaultOn September 30, the Ohio House passed the Fair Hiring Act, which would prohibit the State of Ohio from including on any employment application for a state job any question concerning the criminal background of the applicant. The measure is now being considered by Ohio’s Senate, which is separately considering a different bill that would apply the same prohibition to all Ohio employers, public and private.

I’ve previously shared my thoughts on this brand of legislation, known as “Ban the Box.” Short version—I’m not a fan.

Monday, November 16, 2015

We stand with France; we stand against discrimination

Photo by Jon Hyman, 8/6/15

What happened Friday evening in France is unfathomable. Except, really, it isn’t. We experienced it 15 years ago in New York City. And, in the aftermath of 9/11, discrimination against Muslims and Arabs increased by 250 percent.

From the EEOC:

Friday, November 13, 2015

WIRTW #390 (the “cards against HR” edition) @cardsHR

Have you ever played Cards Against Humanity? It’s a very adult version of Apples to Apples. I made the mistake of playing with my mom, and let’s just say that I learned some things that a child should never know about his mother, no matter their respective ages. Hilarious things, but, all things being equal, the laughs weren’t worth the memory scars.

HireVue, obvious fans of the game, came up with a fabulous promotional idea. They call it Cards Against HR, and my deck came in mail earlier this week. When I tweeted HireVue my love of its idea, they challenged me to post a picture of the best (or worst) hand I could come up with.

Well, HireVue, I am never one to shrink from a challenge.


Our diversity training is heavy on the <racial tension> and light on the <alcohol related incidents>.

Here’s the rest of what I read this week:

Thursday, November 12, 2015

What can go wrong when co-workers date? A lot.

5_15True confession time. I watch The Voice. It’s not like it’s at the top of my DVR, but, my remote always seem to stop on NBC between 8 and 10 on Monday and Tuesday nights. (My pick to win this season: Amy Vachal). So, when I heard that Team Shelton and Team Gwen had formed one team outside of work, I thought, “What a great opportunity to write a blog post on office romances.” (This is how the mind of blogger works).

What can do wrong with office romances? As it turns out, a lot. So, in the spirit of The Voice, here’s 10 reasons co-workers shouldn’t turn their chairs for each other.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

An injury without an injury — part 2? #SCOTUS and collective wage/hour violations

Can a plaintiff support a collective lawsuit if some of the individuals in the purported class have not suffered any harm? The Supreme Court took up this question during yesterday’s oral argument in Tyson Foods v. Bouaphakeo, a case that will go a long way to deciding the continued viability of class or collective actions to decide wage and hour lawsuits.

The underlying legal issue is a familiar one: donning and doffing (that is, compensation for time spent putting on, and taking off, protective gear). This case also carries forward themes from 2011’s Wal-Mart Stores v. Dukes decision (which opined on the non-viability of a nationwide class action in which the class members lacked common harm), and last week’s Spokeo v. Robins oral argument (which will decide if a plaintiff has standing to bring a lawsuit for a technical violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act if the individual suffered no resulting concrete harm).

So, what is Bouaphakeo all about?

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

What can you do about today’s “Fight for 15” protests?

Today, workers will protest in 270 different cities, clamoring for a higher $15 minimum wage. It’s part of a broader movement called Fight for 15. The organization has provided employees explicit instructions on how to execute a one-day strike, like those that will happen today.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Guest post: Social Business and HR, Part 1 — Online Reputation Management in the Context of HR

By Mike Wise

Today, we are going to try something new — a guest post. Readers, meet Mike Wise. Mike will be joining us for a three-part series over the next three months to share his thoughts on the social business and human resources. Today is Part 1: Online Reputation Management in the Context of HR.

Friday, November 6, 2015

WIRTW #389 (the “you love me, you really love me” edition) #LoveYourLawyerDay

Today is National Love Your Lawyer Day (really). From the American Lawyers Public Image Association:

Around the world, Love Your Lawyer Day… is the one day of the year designated to celebrate lawyers…. Our goal is to highlight the good that lawyers do, often thanklessly….

Is it too much to ask for people to refrain from lawyer bashing and telling tasteless lawyer jokes for a single day? Surely you can do it. And, if for some reason, you're unable to tame your tongue for that 24-hour span (like if you're a late-night talk show host), then donate $20 to charity for every joke you tell. Deal?

This special day is not just about acknowledging and celebrating legal professionals. One of the initiatives for *Global* Lawyer Your Lawyer Day is to ask lawyers to either perform one hour of pro bono work or donate the equivalent of one billable hour to their favorite charity.

Do you love your lawyer—either me (hint, hint) or someone else? Show your love, in the comments below, or hit me on Twitter @jonhyman with #LoveYourLawyerDay. As for me, I’ll pick up my end of the bargain by donating my one hour of pro bono work.

Here’s the rest of what I read this week:

Thursday, November 5, 2015

OSHA’s penalties are on the rise

Today’s post originally appeared on Meyers Roman’s Ohio OSHA Law Blog, but it’s worth reprinting for my readers.

Have you subscribed to our new OSHA blog? If not, what are you waiting for?

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Earlier this week, President Obama signed into law the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015. On its surface, it funds the federal government through 2017 and prevents any federal shutdowns during that time. Employers that read the fine-print, however, might be in for an OSHA-related shock.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

NLRB provides employers a roadmap to a legally compliant off-duty access policy

Can an employer lawfully limit non-employees’ access to its facility? On its face, such a question might seem silly. After all, an employer should be able to control its property, right? What about access by union organizers? Does this wrinkle change the answer?

In Marina Del Rey Hosp. (10/22/15) [pdf], the National Labor Relations Board considered the following access policy:

Off-duty employees may access the Hospital only as expressly authorized by this policy. An off-duty employee is any employee who has completed or not yet commenced his/her shift.

An off-duty employee is not allowed to enter or re-enter the interior of the Hospital or any Hospital work area, except to visit a patient, receive medical treatment, or conduct hospital-related business. “Hospital related-business” is defined as the pursuit of an employee’s normal duties or duties as specifically directed by management.

An off-duty employee may have access to non-working, exterior areas of the Hospital, including exterior building entry and exit areas and parking lots.

Any employee who violates this Policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Did it pass NLRB-muster?

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

An injury without an injury? #SCOTUS, standing, and the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

Yesterday, the Supreme Court heard oral argument in Spokeo, Inc. v. Robins. This case should answer a very important question for employers: Does a plaintiff have standing to bring a lawsuit for a technical violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act if the individual suffered no resulting concrete harm? The implications of this case are huge.

Monday, November 2, 2015

EEOC proposed new rules for GINA to encompass employer wellness plans

Last week, the EEOC announced that it plans to amend its regulations to the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act to permit employees to provide health information about their spouses in exchange for certain financial and other incentives as part of employer wellness programs.

Earlier this year, the EEOC published proposed ADA regulations, which would permit financial incentives for employee participation in employer wellness programs so long as they remain at or below 30% of the total cost of employee-only coverage. As long as financial incentive remains at or below the 30% threshold, the wellness program is considered a lawful, voluntary medical exam under the ADA.