Thursday, February 3, 2011

Are you searching employees’ work computers as part of litigation?

If you’re not searching a plaintiff’s work computer during litigation, this story may cause you to reconsider.

Tim Marcum is the head coach of the Arena Football League’s Tampa Bay Storm. He’s the most successful coach in the league’s history, winning 7 Arena Bowls. He’s now trying to win a different kind of fight, having sued the team’s former owner for unpaid salary. As part of the lawsuit, the defendant examined Marcum’s work computer, which revealed various displays of pornography and racist emails. For example:

  • Videos of women having sex with horses.
  • A video of two naked women using a funnel and fish to commit an unnatural sex act.
  • A picture of Air Force One as Watermelon One.
  • An email comparing Michelle Obama to a chimpanzee.
  • Frequent use of the “N” word in other parodies and email.

For his part, Marcum does not deny that he received or re-forwarded the offensive emails, pictures, and videos. Instead, he maintains that they would only be considered inappropriate if someone else accessed his email. and that they should not be an issue because he only shared them with friends. Tampa Bay news station WTSP shares excerpts from Marcum’s videotaped deposition:

Proper computer searches that forensically preserve the evidence for trial can be expensive. However, you do not know what you will find until you do the examination. Workplace pornographic and racist emails will be relevant in most employment lawsuits. After acquired evidence, theft of time, and proving a work environment is not subjectively hostile are but a few examples of their possible use. Between social media, emails, and other technology, there are fewer and fewer secrets between parties in litigation. The trick for businesses is to hire attorneys that know how to harness these tools for your benefit and properly advise you of the risks and dangers inherent in your own technology.

Presented by Kohrman Jackson & Krantz, with offices in Cleveland and Columbus. For more information, contact Jon Hyman, a partner in our Labor & Employment group, at (216) 736-7226 or

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

One is the loneliest number – unless you’ve filed an unfair labor practice charge

Lots of employers have lots of policies that they think are legal, but in fact are not. One perfect example is policies that prohibit employees from discussing their wages. Under the National Labor Relations Act, employees, whether unionized or not, have the right to engage in protected concerted activity. Because discussions of wages and other terms and conditions of employment qualifies as protected concerted activities, retaliation for the exercise of that right violates federal labor laws.

Protected concerted activity presupposes that more than one employee is engaged in the conduct. What happens, however, if an employer discovers that an employee is going to engage in protected concerted activity and preemptively terminates the employee before he or she has the chance.

In Parexcel International (1/28/11) [pdf], the NLRB concluded that a preemptive termination—that is, one that attacks an employee who intends to complain about wages—violates federal labor laws, even though the employee has not yet engaged in any concerted activity. As the NLRB explained;

That conclusion is supported not only by the plain text of Section 8(a)(1), by the policies underlying Sections 7 and 8(a)(1), and by the authorities cited, but it is consistent with other lines of Board precedent holding that, under certain circumstances, employees who have engaged in no concerted activity at all are protected from adverse action. For example, an adverse action taken against an employee based on the employer’s belief that the employee engaged in protected concerted activity is unlawful even if the belief was mistaken and the employee did not in fact engage in such activity. Similarly, a mass discharge undertaken without concern for whether individual employees were engaged in concerted activity—where “some white sheep suffer along with the black”—violates the Act. What is critical in those cases is not what the employee did, but rather the employer’s intent to suppress protected concerted activity.

Some commentators are already commending the NLRB for its expansion of employee workplace rights:

Professor Richard Bales, at the Workplace Prof Blog:

It seems to me that the Board is expanding the definition of protected-concerted activity a bit more then it's admitting.  Now, every time an employee complains and is subsequently fired, the employee can file an unfair labor practice charge, and it's a fact issue as to whether the employer was motivated by a desire to nip the complaint in the bud or by something else.

Randy Enochs at the Wisconsin Employment & Labor Law Blog:

This is a major victory for employees across the land and could lead to an increase in litigation but it's not exactly easy to prove that an employer terminated an employee to "nip-it-in-the-bud" or feared the employee would subsequently engage in protected activity making it harder to terminate them. Hopefully the end result is employers perhaps taking the time to ease employee concerns over working conditions instead of simply terminating the cause of stir.

Indeed, it certainly appears that Parexcel expands employee rights by creating a colorable unfair labor practice any time an employee suffers an adverse action after complaining about anything.

Let me take a different approach from the perspective of an employers’ advocate. If the NLRA covers any adverse action taken against any employee who complains about a term or condition of the workplace, why doesn’t the NLRA preempt any state law claim raising the same issue? For example, recently the 6th Circuit used a broad interpretation of federal preemption to dismiss a state law wrongful termination claim. Is it possible that by attempting to expand employee rights, the NLRB actually contracted them? I don’t profess to know the answer to this question, and we will have to wait for some bold employer to litigate the issue. I’m merely tossing it out there as a possible silver lining in an otherwise anti-business decision by the NLRB.

[Hat tip: LaborRelated]

Presented by Kohrman Jackson & Krantz, with offices in Cleveland and Columbus. For more information, contact Jon Hyman, a partner in our Labor & Employment group, at (216) 736-7226 or

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Updating 20th century laws for the 21st century

At his Connecticut Employment Law Blog, Daniel Schwartz argues that it’s time to start modernizing our workplace laws. As an example, Daniel argues that federal labor laws should be updated to account for technologies such as emails and social media. I highly recommend reading Daniel’s full thoughts published in this week’s Connecticut Law Tribune.

For my own thoughts, I recommend two posts I wrote in 2007 and 2008, which discuss the need to modernize federal wage and hour laws:

We operate our businesses under laws drafted to address the workplace needs of the 1930s. To say that times have changed is an oversimplification of a much deeper problem. Until our legislatures modernize these laws, our businesses will remain saddled with the expensive and time-consuming problem of defending lawsuits over issues such as whether a non-exempt employee who spends a few minutes each night checking emails on his PDA should be compensated for that time. I suggest that we join Daniel’s call for our legislators to start discussing these issues so that we can work towards a meaningful modernization of stagnant laws.

Presented by Kohrman Jackson & Krantz, with offices in Cleveland and Columbus. For more information, contact Jon Hyman, a partner in our Labor & Employment group, at (216) 736-7226 or

Monday, January 31, 2011

Not every employee needs a noncompete

Noncompetition agreements are fabulous tools. They protect employer’s trade secrets and other confidential and proprietary information, customers, goodwill, and special training and skills your employees acquire at your expense. But, not every employee is worthy of locking down with such an agreement.

For example, consider Mark Philips Salon & Spa v. Blessing (Ohio Ct. App. 1/28/11) [pdf]. The salon hired Blessing as a hair stylist. Blessing signed a noncompetition agreement on her first day of employment. When she resigned to accept a position at a competing salon less than five miles away, she got sued. Even though Blessing admitted that she violated the agreement by soliciting former customers, the court of appeals concluded that it was unreasonable for the salon to enforce the agreement against her:

Blessing testified that she was an experienced hair dresser and had worked for two other salons previous to her employment with MPS. Blessing brought approximately thirty clients with her to MPS, and while there she acquired approximately twenty more. Blessing testified that virtually all of her clients are obtained through referrals from other clients, and there is no evidence that MPS did anything that benefitted Blessing in obtaining any of her clients. Blessing also testified that MPS gave her no particular training or skill that she uses…. Blessing testified that after she left MPS she created a list of all her former clients “from my brain, from my knowledge.” There is no evidence that she obtained that information from a database or list maintained by MPS.

By engaging in competition with MPS as she has, and especially by mailing solicitations to clients she obtained while employed by MPS, Blessing violated her agreement with MPS in those respects. However, on this record there is nothing in the competition with MPS in which Blessing has engaged that makes it unfair. Blessing uses no trade secrets or competitive advantages she obtained from MPS. The competition MPS seeks to prevent is merely ordinary competition. Therefore, the covenant not to compete cannot be enforced.

What lessons can employers learn from this case? Noncompetition agreements are wonderful tools that all employers should have in their shed. Employers, however, should use narrowly drafted noncompetition agreements that only reach those legitimate interests worthy of protection. And, if there is no such interest, consider foregoing an agreement at all. Otherwise, you might end up spending lots of money in court in a vain attempt to enforce an unenforceable contract.

Presented by Kohrman Jackson & Krantz, with offices in Cleveland and Columbus. For more information, contact Jon Hyman, a partner in our Labor & Employment group, at (216) 736-7226 or

Friday, January 28, 2011

WIRTW #162 (the bad necktie edition)

I am an expat Philadelphian. When the Eagles came to Cleveland in 2004, I wore my Donovan McNabb jersey with pride inside Browns Stadium, and endures the tirades, insults, curses, and the occasional hails of popcorn, peanuts, and beer from loyal Browns fans. But, if the Eagles were playing the Browns in the Superbowl (I know, I know), I would likely draw the line at wearing my gear to the office. It’s not that wouldn’t enjoy jabbing my co-workers (because I would). But, I work in a service-based industry, and the thought of rubbing even one client the wrong way would my hats, jerseys, and ties at home. One Packers fan selling cars in Chicago thought otherwise last week, and it cost him his job when he refused his boss’s repeated requests to remove his Packers tie. The following blogs have the details:

Here’s the rest of what I read this week:


Social Media

Workplace Technology

Wage & Hour

Employee Relations and HR

Trade Secrets and Employee Competition

Labor Relations

Presented by Kohrman Jackson & Krantz, with offices in Cleveland and Columbus. For more information, contact Jon Hyman, a partner in our Labor & Employment group, at (216) 736-7226 or

When two worlds collide ... hilarity ensues

Last night, the self-proclaimed world's greatest bosses met for the first time. Michael Scott, meet David Brent:

Presented by Kohrman Jackson & Krantz, with offices in Cleveland and Columbus. For more information, contact Jon Hyman, a partner in our Labor & Employment group, at (216) 736-7226 or

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Union membership at lowest level in nearly 80 years

The Bureau of Labor Statistics has released its annual report of union membership, and the news isn’t good for organized labor. Unions lost 612,000 members in 2010, dropping the unionized share of the work force from 12.3% to 11.9%. Union membership in the private sector fell from 7.2% to 6.9%, its lowest proportional share since the 1930s. You can read BLS’s summary here, and the full report here.

Employers may read this news as positive. I have a different take. With efforts to bolster organized labor having failed in Congress, today’s pro-union National Labor Relations Board may use these statistics to bolster their efforts to beef up organized labor. I will be very curious to see what these numbers look like after two years of pro-union regulation by the NLRB.

[Hat tip: Labor Relations Today]

Presented by Kohrman Jackson & Krantz, with offices in Cleveland and Columbus. For more information, contact Jon Hyman, a partner in our Labor & Employment group, at (216) 736-7226 or

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Why you never ask a woman if she’s pregnant

Australian broadcaster Todd Woodbridge thought that tennis star Kim Clijsters was pregnant. His problem, however, was that he did not keep it to himself. Instead, he texted his thoughts to another player. When Clijsters found out, she took the story public, outing Woodbridge’s lack of sensitivity during a post-match television interview.

It remains to be seen if Woodbridge keeps his Aussie TV gig. That Clijsters was so good natured about the crass message may help his cause. Don’t assume, however, that your female employees will be so forgiving.

I don’t know what will happen to Woodbridge’s job, but I can almost guarantee you will lose your discrimination case if a rejected job applicant has a text message asking if she appeared irritable and if her boobs looked bigger. Text messages, social media, and other technology make it much easier to share these types of thoughts. Because of these technologies, he said/she said cases no longer necessarily hinge on credibility debates. Instead, the employee may be holding that text or tweet as a dangerous trump card.

Presented by Kohrman Jackson & Krantz, with offices in Cleveland and Columbus. For more information, contact Jon Hyman, a partner in our Labor & Employment group, at (216) 736-7226 or

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Join me Friday on the Proactive Employer Podcast

Join me Friday morning as I guest on the one-year anniversary installment of Stephanie Thomas’s Proactive Employer Podcast. Stephanie and I will be talking about ten issues of importance to every employer:

  1. Documentation and document retention
  2. Applications, background checks and new hires
  3. Confidentiality
  4. Technology
  5. EEO: discrimination, harassment, and retaliation
  6. Wage and hour issues
  7. FMLA and benefits
  8. Immigration
  9. Health, safety, and security
  10. Evaluation, discipline, and termination

I’ll provide some suggestions on best practices to identify potential problem areas. Stephanie and I culled these 10 issues from my proprietary 200-point audit of human resources and employment policies and practices. Please join us for a lively and informative discussion that should interest all businesses.

The podcast will be live on blogtalkradio at 8:30 am on Friday, January 28. Blogtalkradio will also archive it for later listening. The podcast will also be available for download on iTunes.

Presented by Kohrman Jackson & Krantz, with offices in Cleveland and Columbus. For more information, contact Jon Hyman, a partner in our Labor & Employment group, at (216) 736-7226 or

It’s déjà vu all over again—Supreme Court recognizes associational retaliation

In The Gay Science, Friedrich Nietzsche explained his theory of the eternal recurrence—that if the universe is infinitely big, time is eternally long, and everything that exists in that universe is made up of a finite number of elements, then over the course of eternity everything that happens will happen again. For the theory of associational retaliation under Title VII, eternity didn’t even last four years.

In Thompson v. North American Stainless, the 6th Circuit originally recognized the theory of associational retaliation Рthat Title VII prohibits an employer from retaliating by inflicting reprisals on a third party (such as a spouse, family member, or fianc̩) closely associated with the employee who engaged in such protected activity but who engaged in no protected activity of his or her own.

Sometimes, it stinks to be right. In its unanimous opinion [pdf], the Court recognized that certain employees, within the “zone of interests” protected by Title VII, will have a valid claim for associational retaliation:
Title VII’s antiretaliation pro­vision prohibits any employer action that “well might have dissuaded a reasonable worker from making or supporting a charge of discrimination.” … We think it obvious that a reasonable worker might be dissuaded from engaging in protected activity if she knew that her fiancé would be fired…. We … decline to identify a fixed class of relation­ ships for which third-party reprisals are unlawful. We expect that firing a close family member will almost al­ways meet the Burlington standard, and inflicting a milder reprisal on a mere acquaintance will almost never do so, but beyond that we are reluctant to generalize…. 
[W]e conclude that Thompson falls within the zone of interests protected by Title VII. Thompson was an employee of NAS, and the purpose of Title VII is to protect employees from their employers’ unlawful actions. Moreover, accepting the facts as alleged, Thompson is not an accidental victim of the retaliation—collateral damage, so to speak, of the employer’s unlawful act. To the contrary, injuring him was the employer’s intended means of harming Regalado. Hurting him was the unlawful act by which the employer punished her. In those circumstances, we think Thompson well within the zone of interests sought to be protected by Title VII.
What does all this mean?
  1. This supposed pro-business Court continues to be decidedly anti-business when it comes to protecting employees from retaliation, and even the most conservative members of this Court are open to expanding civil rights when it satisfies a policy they consider important.
  2. Employers are now subject to retaliation for taking an adverse action against anyone “closely related” to an employee who engaged in protect activity.
  3. To claim associational retaliation, the aggrieved employee must prove that the employer intended to injure the associated employee by its action against the aggrieved employee.
For employers, there are no bright-line rules for associational retaliation. The real import of this decision is the same as when the 6th Circuit first recognized this new theory of liability nearly four years ago. As I said at that time:
If Title VII protects those "who are so closely related to or associated" with employees who engage in protected activity, it simply begs the question, how close is close enough? In Thompson, the relationship was a fiancée. It is safe to assume liability will also extend to action taken against spouses. What about boyfriends and girlfriends? How long do you have to date to be protected from retaliation? The same protection also will probably extend to parents and children. What about siblings? Grandparents? Cousins? 3rd cousins twice removed? In-laws? Friends? Carpoolers? The people you share your lunch table with? The person you sat next to in 3rd grade? How close is close enough for an employer to intend for its actions to punish the exercise of protected activity? Do employers now have to ask for family trees and class pictures as part of the orientation process? 
These questions, none of which the Thompson court answers, could hamstring employers from making any employment decisions for fear of doing something against someone who has some relationship to someone else who complained about something last October. The implications of this case have the potential to reach that level of silliness. The best course of action is still to make legitimate personnel decisions for bona fide business reasons and let the chips fall where they may.

Monday, January 24, 2011

An obituary for our dog

Employment law takes a break today because yesterday we put Zoey to sleep. She was born on January 26, 2005, the largest in a litter of seven. It never took long for her to convince anyone that met her that 79 of her 80 pounds was heart. She was a lover of all people and all things. Nothing in this world mattered more to her than the four people she shared her home with (except, maybe, for the occasional rabbit she chased in the backyard).

Zoey was our first child. She was our not-sure-if-we’re-going-to-have-kids-let’s-get-a-dog. I slept on the floor next to her crate for her first few nights in our home, until she became accustomed to being away from her litter. She never again doubted us because she knew she was home.

I beamed with pride when I taught her to swim as a puppy. I laughed when she would relentlessly lick the top of my bald head. I was awestruck when she placed her head on my wife’s lap during tear-inducing labor pains before the birth of our first child. I felt badly for her when she got bumped down the ladder with the birth of each of our children. I was grateful when she protected our kids as if they were own, and I loved her every time she checked on them when they cried or were ill.

I will miss her tail wagging whenever anyone would pet her. I will miss her jumping up and down when someone new came to the door. I will miss her sprinting into the kitchen and begging for an ice cube whenever she heard the freezer door opening. I will miss seeing her waiting by the front window in the study as I drove up to the house, and how she was always the first one to greet me when I came home from work every night. I will even miss her shedding, which often made our floor resemble an unkempt barbershop. I will miss her.

Last summer she tore her right rear ACL while playing. Post-surgery, I again slept nearby as she whimpered with pain. While the ACL healed, her leg never really did. She walked with limp, and aged dramatically, looking and acting much older than her nearly six years of life suggested.

December gave us yet another scare, as the anti-inflammatory medications she was taking for her leg ulcerated her intestine, causing a whole bunch of new problems. My wife nursed her child back to health.

Yet, we knew, deep down, that Zoey was living on borrowed time. The vet told us the odds – that more than half of dogs who tear an ACL will tear the other within a year. We hoped that Zoey would buck the odds, but I think we knew that she likely wouldn’t.

When she gimped into the house Saturday evening with what had been her good leg trembling high in the air, in too much pain to put any weight on it, and what had been her bad leg too weak to support her large frame, we knew it was time. Saturday night, she licked my head for the last time.

Zoey was not only a great dog; she was a beloved member of our family. I hope she finally catches that rabbit in heaven.


Friday, January 21, 2011

WIRTW #161 (the “To infinity, and beyond!” edition)

via Wikimedia CommonsEach week, there’s a story or two that slips through the cracks that I just can’t get to. This week is no exception. Earlier this week, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of NASA’s employment background check policies. For more information on this case, I recommend the following summaries and opinions of my fellow bloggers:

Here’s the rest of what I read this week:

Workplace Technology

Social Media

Employee Relations & HR


Wage & Hour

Labor Relations

Presented by Kohrman Jackson & Krantz, with offices in Cleveland and Columbus. For more information, contact Jon Hyman, a partner in our Labor & Employment group, at (216) 736-7226 or

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ohio just became a friendlier state for age discrimination plaintiffs

In Gross v. FBL Financial Servs., the U.S. Supreme Court concluded that mixed-motives do not exist in federal age discrimination claims, and for a plaintiff to succeed on an disparate treatment claim under the ADEA, he or she must prove that age was the “but-for” (that is, the only) cause of the challenged adverse employment action.

An open question left in the wake of Gross was whether state courts such as Ohio would follow Gross under parallel state court age discrimination statutes. Thomas v. Columbia Sussex Corp. (Ohio Ct. App. 1/6/11) [pdf] provided our first Ohio answer. It concluded that Gross does not apply under Ohio’s age discrimination statute. While the opinion somewhat muddles its discussion of Gross, the court approved what amounted to a mixed-motive jury instruction given to the jury. Therefore, mixed-motive age claims are alive and well under Ohio age discrimination statute, and the effect of Gross is limited to cases brought under the federal ADEA.

For employers, this opinion is not quite as bad as it seems. Yes, it will likely result in more plaintiffs eschewing a federal venue and filing their age claims under Ohio law, and in Ohio courts with state court juries. Ohio’s age discrimination statute, however, has a short six-month statute of limitations, as compared to 300 days one has to file an age claim with the EEOC to perfect one’s right to file a lawsuit under the federal statute. Because employees have a easier burden of proof under Ohio law, they will have to elect the shortened filing period. Employees who miss the initial six months will have to go the federal route, with its tightened burden of proof under Gross.

For businesses, the advice I gave after Gross holds true regardless of the burden of proof. Employers should meticulously document employees’ performance problems and other disciplinary action. A contemporaneously well-documented personnel file makes it that much more difficult for a plaintiff to prove that age was the motivating reason behind the termination or other adverse action.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lessons from Children’s Lit, part 3: Knuffle Bunny

Lately, my son and I have been reading Mo WillemsKnuffle Bunny, a lot.

Knuffle Bunny tells the story of Trixie, who loses her stuffed bunny (and prized possession) during a trip to the laundromat with her Daddy. When she discovers her loss, she tries to tell her Daddy, but he does not understand her baby babble. When Mommy catches on, the family rushes back to the laundromat to find Knuffle Bunny. I don’t want to spoil the end for anyone, but suffice it to say that when we finish the book, my little guy looks up at me as says, “She’s so happy.”

What lessons can employers take away from this “cautionary tale”?
  1. There are no hard and fast rules about how employees must complain about harassment or discrimination. Trixie, who had not yet learned to speak, did the best she could to communicate to her Daddy that Knuffle Bunny was missing. The fact that he did not understand her did not change his fatherly responsibility to help locate Knuffle Bunny. The same holds true for employers. In a perfect world, employees would lodge complaints in typed memos, dutifully turned into designated persons in the HR department. Our world, however, is far from perfect. Employees email, text, leave voice mails, scribble hand-written notes, make off-handed comments, and even say nothing at all. Regardless of how a manager or supervisor learns about harassment or discrimination, the rules are the same—investigate, remedy, and don’t retaliate.

  2. Leave no stone unturned. When Trixie’s family first returned to the laundromat, they could not find Knuffle Bunny. It was not until Trixie’s Daddy redoubled his efforts that he found it. The same holds true for employers’ investigations. A half-assed investigation is no better than no investigation at all. If a document is missing, you better be able to convince a court that you took all reasonable efforts to locate it. If you conclude that an employee’s harassment complaint is unfounded, you better be sure you interviewed everyone identified as a potential witness. If you are going to discipline or terminate an employee, you better double check that you considered all documents and witnesses before reaching a conclusion. Courts are loath to second-guess employers’ business judgment, but will not hesitate if it appears an employer slacked in its investigatory responsibilities.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

For legal compliance, don’t jump off the bridge

When I was a child, whenever I wanted to do something popular that my parents disapproved of, they would caution me, “If everyone else jumped off a bridge, would you jump too?” I hated when they said that. Yet, now that I am a parent, I find myself saying the same thing to my kids. Today, I am also going to say it to my readers.

Just because a particular employment practice is popular or widespread does not mean it’s legal. There are lots of practices in use at lots of companies that do not pass legal muster:

This list could go on and on. The point is that popular employment practices aren’t necessarily legal employment practices. You should not rely on the company-next-door for your legal compliance. Instead, invest a few dollars in a comprehensive review by a qualified attorney. Heck, some of us will even get started for free.

[Hat tip: Wage and Hour Laws]

Presented by Kohrman Jackson & Krantz, with offices in Cleveland and Columbus. For more information, contact Jon Hyman, a partner in our Labor & Employment group, at (216) 736-7226 or

Monday, January 17, 2011

MLK Day calls for reflection about how far race relations have come, and how far we have left to go

Today celebrates the life and message of one of our nation’s most important heroes, Martin Luther King, Jr. His remembrance suggests that we consider not only how far our race relations have come in the last half-century, but also how far we have left to go. 

To reflect upon how far we have come, consider MLK’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech, one of the greatest and most significant pieces of oration ever delivered:

To consider how far we have left to go, you need only review a few posts from my archives, each of which illustrates that bigotry still pervades our workplaces and our society:

Presented by Kohrman Jackson & Krantz, with offices in Cleveland and Columbus. For more information, contact Jon Hyman, a partner in our Labor & Employment group, at (216) 736-7226 or

Friday, January 14, 2011

WIRTW #160 (the bad economy = good EEOC numbers edition)

Earlier this week, the EEOC released its FY 2010 charge filing statistics, which, to no surprise, reveal that in a bad economy employees file more claims. I’m leaving any additional recap and analysis to my blogging brethren who have already covered this story:

Here’s the rest of what I read this week:


Social Media & Workplace Technology

HR & Employee Relations

Wage & Hour

Labor Relations

Presented by Kohrman Jackson & Krantz, with offices in Cleveland and Columbus. For more information, contact Jon Hyman, a partner in our Labor & Employment group, at (216) 736-7226 or

Thursday, January 13, 2011

DOL’s “Right to Know,” or right to sue?

This April, the Department of Labor intends to publish a proposed rule updating the Fair Labor Standards Act’s recordkeeping regulations. The DOL refers to this program as “Right to Know.” The stated goals for these regulations include strengthening protections for workers by protecting their entitlement to earned wages, bringing greater transparency and openness to the workplace, and increasing wage and hour compliance. According to the DOL, the proposed rule will likely:

  • Require the notification of workers’ status as employees or independent contractors.
  • Require that any employers that seek to exclude workers from the FLSA’s coverage perform a classification analysis, disclose that analysis to the worker, and retain that analysis to give to DOL enforcement personnel on request.
  • Require that employers provide a wage statement, including hours worked and a wage computation, each pay period to each employee.

The subtext of these regulations, however, is frightening. The DOL is pursuing an aggressive agenda of wage and hour compliance for low wage workers. While it has swelled its ranks with the hiring of 250 new investigators, it still lacks the budget and manpower to locate or remedy every wage and hour violation in every business. These “Right to Know” regulations will informally deputize every employee, transforming our nation’s workforce into a nation of DOL investigators. Do you still think you can afford to put off that wage and hour audit?

Presented by Kohrman Jackson & Krantz, with offices in Cleveland and Columbus. For more information, contact Jon Hyman, a partner in our Labor & Employment group, at (216) 736-7226 or

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Employees aren’t the only ones who have to watch what they post: Social media as retaliation

If you do a search of my archives you’ll find a slew of posts about employees whose posts on social media sites came back to bite them—either in recruiting, terminations, or litigation. A story in yesterday’s Pittsburgh Tribune-Review illustrates that employers are also at risk for the reckless use of social media. The article discusses an EEOC complaint alleging that a manager used the company’s Facebook page to post threatening messages in retaliation for a prior harassment complaint.

It is becoming increasingly clear that communication is communication, whether spoken, in writing, in a email, in a text message, or posted on a social media website such as Facebook. Fairly consistently, courts are ignoring the vessel used to communicate the message. If a message is retaliatory, it will be treated the same, whether told to an employee or posted on a Facebook page.

Other than retaliation, what are some of the other legal risks should employers be aware of concerning social media?

  • Harassment
  • Defamation
  • Disclosure of confidential or proprietary information
  • Commentary on on-going litigation

How can employers guard against these risks? Proactive training. Businesses that fail to properly train all employees about the risks of the reckless use of social media are acting recklessly themselves.

Presented by Kohrman Jackson & Krantz, with offices in Cleveland and Columbus. For more information, contact Jon Hyman, a partner in our Labor & Employment group, at (216) 736-7226 or

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Announcing KJK’s Next Employment Law Breakfast Briefing: Managing Employee Medical Issues Under the ADA

You are invited join KJK’s employment lawyers for our next Breakfast Briefing: Managing Employee Medical Issues Under the Amended Americans With Disabilities Act.

Perhaps no issue confounds and confuses employers more than employee medical issues. The 2009 amendments to the Americans With Disabilities Act have only served to complicate matters for businesses. Now, the ADA covers most employees with medical issues. As a result, it is incumbent upon employers to stay up to date on their obligations to accommodate this unique class of employees. Join KJK’s employment lawyers for a free breakfast to discuss the following issues and learn how to proactively avoid ADA claims from increasingly litigious workforces:

  1. What qualifies as a “disability” under the current ADA?
  2. What are employers’ obligations to reasonably accommodate disabled employees?
  3. How does the ADA interact with the other key laws that concern employee medical issues: the FMLA and workers’ compensation laws?
  4. What does it mean to “regard” an employee as disabled, and why is this subset of the ADA so dangerous?

Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Time: 8:00-8:30 Continental Breakfast / 8:30-9:30 Presentation / 9:30-10:00 Q&As

Place: The Club at Key Center, 127 Public Square, Cleveland

Cost: Free (including parking)

If you are interested in attending this free seminar, or for more information, please contact Andrea Hill, (216) 736-7234 or, by April 7, 2011.

Presented by Kohrman Jackson & Krantz, with offices in Cleveland and Columbus. For more information, contact Jon Hyman, a partner in our Labor & Employment group, at (216) 736-7226 or

Rash action could lead to false conclusions in dealing with employee problems

The mall was packed Saturday afternoon. The fact that we had a few inches of snow on the ground did not help the parking situation. I drove around for more than 10 minutes looking for a close parking space so the cold walk wouldn’t impact my two-year-old son’s asthma. I finally eyed a great spot, only to have it stolen by a woman who ignored my turn signal while she zoomed up the aisle the wrong way. I’d normally curse loudly from the safety of my car and move on, but on that day I took a stand. I parked behind her car, waited for her to get out, rolled down my window, and confronted her over her lack of parking lot etiquette. Surprisingly, she apologized, asked me to pull forward so she could back out, and surrendered the assholespot. We exchanged courtesies and went about our ways. When I came out from the mall, I found a note tucked under my wiper blade. It read, “ASSHOLE.” I can only assume that the note was left by someone in the line of traffic behind me who, not having witnessed the entire transaction, assumed that I had stolen their space.

There is a good lesson in this story for employers. Don’t act rashly when dealing with employee complaints or problems. Employers should only take action after a full investigation into all of the facts and circumstances. When an employee complains about something, you only are getting half of the story (at best). If you act based on that half, you are jumping to a conclusion, the correctness of which might as well be a coin flip. You cannot have any confidence in the ultimate conclusion until you conduct a complete and unbiased investigation, which includes interviewing all witnesses, reviewing all documents, and considering all versions of events.

There was an asshole in the parking lot on Saturday, but it wasn’t me. It was the person who left the note without knowing how I ended up taking that spot. Don’t make the same mistake and shortchange your employees by jumping to rash decisions and failing in your duty to fully and completely investigate all employee complaints.

Presented by Kohrman Jackson & Krantz, with offices in Cleveland and Columbus. For more information, contact Jon Hyman, a partner in our Labor & Employment group, at (216) 736-7226 or

Monday, January 10, 2011

Unstable employees, direct threats, and the ADA

I opened my email this morning to find the following question from fellow blogger The Evil HR Lady:

As you probably know, I’m an avid reader, even though I’ve never lived in Ohio, although I have been to two weddings there, so that must count for something.

I've been reading about Jared Lee Loughner--the Arizona shooter and came across the e-mails written by a class member who thought Loughner was dangerous here:

My question for you, the employment lawyer, is given ADA protections, if I notice an employee becoming increasingly unstable, what can I do about it?

I’d love to read your thoughts on this.

Instead of responding directly, I thought I’d share my thoughts with everyone.

The ADA contains a specific exception for employees who pose a “direct threat.” The statute defines “direct threat” as “a significant risk to the health or safety of others that cannot be eliminated by reasonable accommodation.” The ADA’s regulations require that the determination that an individual poses a direct threat must be “based on an individualized assessment of the individual’s present ability to safely perform the essential functions of the job.” Employers must base this assessment on either “a reasonable medical judgment that relies on the most current medical knowledge” or “on the best available objective evidence.” In making this determination, employers should rely on the following four factors:

  1. The duration of the risk;
  2. The nature and severity of the potential harm;
  3. The likelihood that the potential harm will occur; and
  4. The imminence of the potential harm.

Palmer v. Circuit Court of Cook County (7th Cir. 1997) succinctly explains the Hobson’s choice employers face when deciding whether to retain a potentially violent employee. Since I can’t say it any better, I’ll just quote from the opinion:

The [ADA] does not require an employer to retain a potentially violent employee. Such a requirement would place the employer on a razor’s edge—in jeopardy of violating the Act if it fired such an employee, yet in jeopardy of being deemed negligent if it retained him and he hurt someone. The Act protects only “qualified” employees, that is, employees qualified to do the job for which they were hired; and threatening other employees disqualifies one….

It is true that an employer has a statutory duty to make a “reasonable accommodation” to an employee’s disability, that is, an adjustment in working conditions to enable the employee to overcome his disability, if the employer can do this without “undue hardship.” … But we cannot believe that this duty runs in favor of employees who commit or threaten to commit violent acts…. The retention of such an employee would cause justifiable anxiety to coworkers and supervisors. It would be unreasonable to demand of the employer either that it force its employees to put up with this or that it station guards to prevent the mentally disturbed employee from getting out of hand.

To sum up and answer the question posed, employers faced with a legitimate and potentially dangerous employee need not wait for the powder keg to explode. Instead, employers can treat the employee as a “direct threat” and separate the individual from employment.

A few additional practical points to consider:

  1. Prior to the termination, obtain written statements from co-workers, supervisors, and managers documenting all threatening behavior.

  2. The severity of threat is proportional to the duration of the risk. In other words, the more real the risk the less amount of time you have to allow it in your workplace.

  3. Typically, I’m opposed to security escorts of terminated employees. The termination of an employee who poses a direct threat for violence is the exception.

  4. Consider carrying out the termination as late in the work day, and work week, as possible. This timing will create and artificial cooling-off period and help limit the risk that the employee returns to do harm.

  5. Put the local police department on notice. Also consider a private security detail for a period of time until you are reasonably certain the employee is not going to return to cause harm.

Finally, my thought and prayers are with everyone in Tucson as they mourn, fight for their lives, cope with what happened, and start the healing process.

Friday, January 7, 2011

WIRTW #159 (the welcome to the party edition)

While it gets harder each week to keep up with the goings-on in the blogosphere, I’m always happy to welcome another to the table. This week, Philadelphia attorney Eric Meyer launched The Employer Handbook, which he promises will provide “clear and concise summaries of the employment-law landscape in PA, NJ and DE.” Eric, welcome, I look forward to reading and sharing links on future Fridays.

Here’s the rest of what I read this week (and last week):

2011 Predictions & Thoughts

HR & Employee Relations

Social Media & Technology


Wage & Hour

Trade Secrets & Employee Competition

Presented by Kohrman Jackson & Krantz, with offices in Cleveland and Columbus. For more information, contact Jon Hyman, a partner in our Labor & Employment group, at (216) 736-7226 or