Friday, October 4, 2024

WIRTW #733: the 'truth is out there' edition

I think I saw an UFO yesterday morning.
Like most workdays, I let the dog out at 6:30 AM. When I went to let him back in, something in the dark, pre-dawn sky caught my attention. I saw two brightly lit orbs hovering at an altitude similar to an airplane. I say "hovering" because they weren't still like stars, nor were they flying across the sky like airplanes. There was movement, but it was different—almost as if they were floating. Then, they started to move, oddly and unnaturally, yet in perfect sync. I rushed to grab my phone to record it, but by the time I returned, they were gone.

I have no idea what I saw. It definitely wasn't stars or airplanes—they don't move like that. Could it have been drones? Maybe, but they seemed too high up. Plus, who flies drones at 6:30 AM?

I'm not arrogant enough to believe we're the only intelligent life in the vastness of our galaxy, let alone the universe. But to witness something like that in my little corner of the Earth? I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm not prepared to say I saw a UFO for certain, but I'd like to think I did.

Here's what I read this week that you should read, too.

Over 40% Of Lawyers Now Using AI — via Inhouse Blog

Top 5 Myths of AI & Cybersecurity — via Dark Reading

Why Gaming Is Good for the Workplace — via Harvard Business Review

Employers, Watch Your Mouth and Remember, 'Loose Lips Sink Ships' — via EntertainHR

Types of Questions to Ask Employees During a Workplace Investigation — via Workology