Thursday, September 5, 2024

The 8th nominee for the Worst Employer of 2024 is … the dirty dog

If you name your business "Bark If You're Dirty," maybe you get the sexual harassment lawsuit you deserve.

The pet store just agreed to pay $340,000 to settle an EEOC lawsuit that the agency brought on behalf of class of female employees.

The allegations of repeated sexual harassment are for the dogs.

A male manager and a male employee subjected female employees to inappropriate sexual comments, physically touched them without their consent, sexually propositioned them, and showed them naked photos. The female employees complained to management multiple times over several years. The stores not only failed to do anything to halt the harassment, but also retaliated against certain female employees by terminating them after they complained.

"Sexual harassment in any workplace, no matter how casual or formal the working environment, is illegal and violates federal civil rights law," said EEOC Regional Attorney Mary Jo O'Neill in an agency news release announcing the settlement. She continues, "Employers have a legal duty to stop, prevent, investigate, and eliminate any and all sexual harassment. Employers must take all appropriate actions swiftly in order to protect employees and prevent repeated misconduct and violations of the law." Melinda Caraballo, EEOC District Director adds: "It is essential that employees be able to work freely without fear of being fired or otherwise retaliated against for complaining about sex discrimination or sexual harassment."

To put it more succinctly, if you behave like this employer, you might just end up on my list of the year's worst employers.