Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The 10th nominee for the Worst Employer of 2024 is … the desecrated discriminator

"We were forced to work with 'Nazi sympathizers' who — despite their open and obvious beliefs and frequent racist, antisemitic, xenophobic, and anti-LGBTQ+ comments and discriminatory acts — were retained and even promoted to management."

Those are the claims of 7 current and former employees of a rehab center owned by Executive Recovery Group.

The allegations in their recently filed lawsuit include the following:

😡 A white employee with swastika tattoo on his face and ties to a white nationalist group was hired and promoted.

😡 Managers giving Nazi salutes and displaying "white power" gang signs.

😡 White supremacist symbols, including drawings of hate symbols like the "OK" hand gesture, were regularly posted on bulletin boards.

😡 A Jewish employee was passed over for promotions despite excellent work performance. He overheard racist comments, including that the company's owners were "cheap" because "they're Jews."

😡 A gay, Hispanic employee was singled out during a meeting by a manager, who said he shouldn’t be bathing residents because of his sexual orientation and implied that only straight, white employees should do it.

The employees also claim that HR ignored their complaints about the racist comments, discriminatory treatment, and hate symbols.

I can't believe I actually have to type this, but here it goes: DON'T HIRE ANYONE WITH SWASTIKA TATTOOS. HARD F'N STOP! Otherwise, you might just find yourself on my annual list of worst employers.