Friday, August 16, 2024

WIRTW #727: the 'college' edition

Saying goodbye is never easy. It's that much more difficult when you leave your child.

Yesterday, we dropped our oldest off at college for the first time.

It's one of those moments that you know is coming but never really feels real until you're in the middle of it. And yesterday I was smack dab in the middle of it. As I gave Norah one final hug and watched her walk away with a mix of excitement and nerves, I felt my own a flood of emotions — joy, nostalgia, and yes, (more than) a little bit of heartache.

I also felt a lot of pride. Pride in the confident adult she has become. And pride in my wife and I for our success in completing one of our most central tasks as parents.

As Norah walked away from us last evening, we were all in tears. She FaceTimed me four hours later to let me know that she was happy and was going to be okay. So am I.

Here's what I read this week that you should read, too.

In Defense of Non-Disclosure Agreements — via Employment Law Lookout

875,000 reasons why the customer isn't always right — via Eric Meyer's Employer Handbook Blog