Friday, July 19, 2024

WIRTW #724: the 'summer' edition

Our summer is sadly winding down. Vacation is over. I have one kid leaving for college in less than four weeks, and other starting his high-school sophomore year a week later. So, I'll be trying to spend as much time with my kids in the coming weeks as possible. This includes enjoying my daughter's final few gigs of a very busy music summer.

If you want to catch norah marie gigging before she heads off to college, these are your final five chances.

All events are free. And, if you happen to know of a brewery, winery, coffee shop, or other venue in central Ohio booking live music, please let me know. 

Here's what I read and heard that you should, too.

An employee we fired is making 'inspirational' LinkedIn posts about it — via Ask a Manager

50,000 reasons to reconsider scolding an HR Manager for investigating sexual harassment claims (i.e., doing their job). — via Eric Meyer's Employer Handbook Blog

The De Minimis Doctrine Lives to Fight Another Day — via The Wage and Hour Litigation Blog

FTC appears before Congress, asks for budget increase, is instead asked about loss on noncompete ban — via Fair Competition Law

Purchasing an Existing Brewery: Legal Guidance — via The Start A Brewery Podcast