Friday, January 28, 2022

WIRTW #611: the “masthead” edition

Early on in the pandemic, I rebranded and renamed the Ohio Employer Law Blog to the Coronavirus Law Blog. The change was part marketing savvy and part recognition of the reality that for the then-foreseeable future the Covid-19 pandemic would be all that mattered to employers. 

Nearly two years later? The name and masthead remain the same.

Yet, even with Omicron keeping cases at near-record numbers, hospitals still full, and Covid still claiming thousands of American lives per day, it's at least starting to feel as if we are rounding the corner into the home stretch of the pandemic.

So don't worry. I'll let you know when the pandemic is over. It'll be when I change the masthead back to this:

Here's what I read this week that I think you should be reading, too.

Screenshot of email in which employees are being asked to wear masks during a Zoom meeting is satirical — via Reuters

The Next Stage of the Pandemic – Government Takes a Step Back — via Dan Schwartz's Connecticut Employment Law Blog

Penalties for unvaccinated workers gain favor, report says — via HR Dive