Friday, December 3, 2021

WIRTW #606: the “masks” edition

Today is Day 632 of the COVID-19 pandemic, and somehow we are still debating the efficacy of masks. While we ride out the current wave of Delta infections and sort out just how dangerous Omicron actually is, the best advice we still have is to mask up for safety. 

The UK, for example, has just reinstituted its national mask mandate. Meanwhile, here in the US, leaders are urging Americans to wear masks indoors, while some cities have reinstituted indoor mask mandates. Yet, despite the irrefutable science backing the efficacy of masks as among the most effective means to stop the spread of Covid-19, people still resist.

I'd like to know where my readers currently stand on masking, both in use and philosophy. I've put together a short two-question survey — 

Thanks for taking the time. I'll report the results Monday.

Here are the best things I read online the past two weeks that I think you should be reading, too.

Omicron Variant Will Create More Uncertainty for Employers — via Dan Schwartz's Connecticut Employment Law Blog

Remote Work Should Be (Mostly) Asynchronous — via Harvard Business Review

Maybe We Won't Return To Work — via SHRM Blog

Prime Time for Unionization — via The L•E•Jer