Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving. What are you #thankful for?

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, hands down. And it's not just the turkey, stuffing, and pies (especially the pies). It's the people with whom I spend the holiday. And this year, I'm especially thankful that I am again able to share my favorite day with some of my favorite people. 

Thus, today, as I start my Thanksgiving break, I am sharing what I am thankful for this year.

  1. My family (always tops on any list).
  2. My health, and that of those I hold close to my heart.
  3. Science, which is allowing my family to gather together this holiday season.
  4. My new(ish) law firm, which has rejuvenated and reenergized me and my practice.
  5. My community of half-witted employment law friends for helping to keep me sane over the past several years.
  6. My readers and followers, many of whom have become friends and clients over the years.
Please enjoy your holiday. Be safe. And don't eat too much. I'll see everyone next week.