Police learned a parent had arranged for the party bus, which originated in Cincinnati…. The parent had posted an open invitation on social media, police say.
The parents involved have been identified and might face charges for violating the state's orders on the coronavirus. Police say they are consulting with the prosecutor's office about additional charges.
"Mount Healthy police will not tolerate blatant law violations especially when such action endangers our community, our officers, and public health," the department said in a news release.
Don't be this a-hole. No one needs to have a birthday party right now, especially one that requires people to cram into a party bus. This is the height of entitled stupidity.
Do your part to slow the spread of this dangerous virus. Wear a mask, maintain distance, wash your hands, avoid gatherings, stay home, and for God's sake don't hold a birthday party for your child and 60 of his friends that requires them all to cram maskless into a party bus.
* Photo by Brian Jones on Unsplash