Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Coronavirus Update 6–24–2020: Are employees taking paid leave under the FFCRA?

According to a recent poll conducted by the National Partnership for Women & Families, less than one in five employees have either taken or plan to take paid sick or paid family leave under the FFCRA. Of the 19 percent who has actually taken, or intend to take, paid FFCRA leave:
  • 9 percent say they are using new leave protections for their own illness or isolation. 
  • 8 percent say they are using new leave protections due to a family member’s isolation/illness. 
  • 7 percent say they are using new leave protections to care for a child due to child care or school closure. 
  • 6 percent said they took leave, but not because of the new policy. 

Yet, a higher number, more than one in four employees, have no idea that this paid leave even exists or are unsure if they will use it. Of this 28 percent of employees:

  • 17 percent said they were unaware of the new protections.
  • 11 percent are not sure if they will use the new protections. 

These numbers seem low to me. So I've created my own poll, which you can take below.

I'll publish the results tomorrow.