Friday, May 15, 2020

Coronavirus Update 5-15-2020: One that got away … and one that didn’t

There's no such thing as bad publicity. Or at least that's how the saying goes. 

Monday evening I received the following Twitter DM from TMZ Live: "Hey, have any interest in being on TV to comment on a story for TMZ Live via Skype?" Never one to turn down a chance to be a TV, I replied and started the ball rolling towards the segment I was to record via Skype on Wednesday. 

In hindsight, I should have asked for more specifics about the topic I'd be asked to discuss. I assumed that because I curate my online presence around being an employment lawyer (and lately a COVID-19 lawyer) they had reached out because they had a topic in their queue that touched on my professional background. 

I severely miscalculated.

Wednesday morning TMZ DMed me the menu of topics from which I could choose for my segment.

  • JOE EXOTIC - Jeff Lowe claims he’s up to old tricks reports him to FAA
  • JAMIE FOXX & SHAQ - Grant 5 year old Utah kid’s wish… days after viral joyride
  • SOPHIE TURNER & JOE JONAS - Baby on board… bumpin’ in public!!!
  • TEKASHI69 - Blasts non-profit for declining $200k taking food out kids’ mouths!!!
  • YOUTUBER LOGAN THIRTYACRE - Wins $800k Tom Brady auction… huge TB12 fan!!!
  • KHLOE KARDASHIAN - Not on the site

I don't even know what half of these mean! 🤦‍♂️ 

While I enjoyed Jamie Foxx's Oscar-winning turn as Ray Charles I don't think I have anything of value to contribute about him and Shaq granting some kid's wish. 

I politely declined the segment and asked TMZ to hit me up when they have a topic that's more in my professional wheelhouse. I'll let y'all know how that works out. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Right? 🤷‍♂️

Still, for every door that closes, another one opens. This door, however, didn't open for me; it opened for my daughter.

Check out Thursday's episode of the Rockin' the Suburbs podcast, which included Fake ID's new song, Good Times, on its list of new music for the month. 

Never in a million years did I ever think my daughter's band would be mentioned in the same breath as the legendary punk band, X.

If you haven't yet checked out Good Times, it's available to stream everywhere, including Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, and Amazon Music.

Be well, and enjoy your (hopefully) socially distant weekend.