Friday, January 25, 2019

WIRTW #539 (the “cover story” edition)

Big week in our house, as our 12-year-old daughter just had her first official press. Cleveland's Scene Magazine interviewed her for this week's cover story, on Cleveland-area cover bands.

 Needless to say, she was pretty jazzed about the whole experience.

And, she impressed the hell out of me:

Each new generation is also embracing classic rock—and some are even taking an open-minded perspective on the sonic opportunities afforded by cover bands. "People like seeing them because it's music that they can relate to that they've heard before," says Norah Hyman, the 12-year-old vocalist for Fake ID…. And, perhaps unsurprisingly given Hyman's generous perspective, Fake ID are putting their own spin on things.

"We tend to change in the songs to make it more difficult for us," Hyman says. "A lot of the vocal stuff, [my bandmates] let me decide what I want to do with it." Such freedom has helped improve her vocal technique, namely by showing her she doesn't have to add "grit" to her singing voice. "Now I'm able to put my own touch on the songs instead of copying them."

You can read the entire story here.

Here's what else I read this week:


HR & Employee Relations


Wage & Hour


OSHA & Safety