Have you cast your ballot for the Worst Employer of 2018? Time is ticking down for this year's final vote.
To remind you of the four truly awful employers vying for this year's honor, the finalists are:
- The Murdering Manager — company owner hires two men to rough-up a handyman who was not doing his job, and they accidentally kill him.
- The Sexist, Racist, Xenophobic, Oh My! — plant manager calls foreign-born employees "terrorists" and women "bitches," and tells the only black employee that her husband should work in a cotton field with a rope around his neck.
- The Supervisor Supremacist — supervisor begins morning staff meetings by saying "White Power" and giving the Nazi salute; when African-American employee complains, he finds himself hanged in effigy.
- The Tasering Torturer — company owner disciplines employee by threatening to kill him, lighting fires near him, and repeatedly shocking him with a taser.
Vote here.
Here's what I read this week:
- Getting Harassment Training Right Kate Bischoff's tHRive Law & Consulting Blog
- A Jewish Guy Who Wears a Chai gets Personal Next Blog
- Avoiding Dinners With Female Colleagues May Not Be the Answer to Avoiding Lawsuits FisherBroyles
- Reminder: Sex Discrimination is NOT the Solution to Sexual Harassment Employment Discrimination Report
- Wait, what? What did that store’s general manager just say about the applicant with a hurt arm? Eric Meyer's The Employer Handbook Blog
- When Employees Claim to Be Addicts—What, if Anything, Should Employers Do? HR Hero Line
- Discrimination Lawsuit Torpedoed by Poor Fundamentals Currents
- What Your Employees Post Online Should Be a Warning TLNT
- A Shift from Cybersecurity to Cyber Resilience: 6 Steps Dark Reading
- Maybe You Should Be Worried About Cybersecurity Above the Law
- President Trump Recently Signed Act Creating Federal Cybersecurity Agency Carpe Datum Law
HR & Employee Relations
- Episode 54 – Long and Tedious — via Marc Alifanz's and Dennis Westlind's Hostile Work Environment Podcast
- 6 easy ways to keep your workplace holiday party -- without a lawsuit. Robin Shea's Employment & Labor Insider
- Creating a Festive Environment For Employees HR Gazette
- Have You Been Omarosa’d? Lawfully Prohibiting Recordings of Your Conversations HR Hero Line
- Working Remotely Is on the Rise, But It Comes With Its Share of Downsides Law.com
Wage & Hour
- Employers just keep messing up! Mike Haberman's Omega HR Solutions
- Happy Birthday, Rudolph! (You’re Still Just a Temp.) Who Is My Employee?
- Can I Give My Employees Open Enrollment Advice? Evil HR Lady, Suzanne Lucas
- Paying Out a Year-End Bonus or an Incentive Payment: Can an Employer Withhold the Money from the Employee Who Took FMLA Leave? Jeff Nowak's FMLA Insights
- NLRB upholds U of Chicago student union CUE, Inc.
- Union Dissenters Lose First Janus Clawback Decision Workplace Prof Blog
OSHA & Safety
- Drug-Free Workplaces Are Not Compromised by 2018’s Newest Crop of Marijuana Laws Hunton Employment & Labor Law Perspectives™
- OSHA: Fla. Company Ignored Manufacturer’s Safety Instructions, Employee Burned as a Result Joe's HR and Benefits Blog
- OIG Continues Criticism of OSHA’s Severe Reporting Initiative OSHA Law Blog