Friday, April 13, 2018

WIRTW #501 (the “fireflies” edition)

According to a recent study, going to concerts adds years to your life.

If this is true (and who am I to argue with science), then last Thursday should propel me into triple digits.

We went to see our fav, Rhett Miller, who invited Norah to share the stage and duet with him.

I learned 4 things watching Norah:
  1. She’s got nerves of steel (which I kind of already knew).
  2. Her performance belies her 11 years of age (which is also kind of already knew).
  3. She can hold her own with a 30-year veteran of the industry.
  4. Thanks to Fake ID, I’m probably on an FBI watchlist.

Thank you Rhett, from Norah (and us, too). You are one of a kind.

Here’s what I read this week:




HR & Employee Relations

Wage & Hour


OSHA & Safety