Yesterday afternoon, I received the following email from a co-worker:
To: Office All
Subject: Pardon the office all email
I am sure you all have found interesting things that you had completely forgotten as you cleaned up your workspaces. I have no idea where I obtained this, but I hope you find it as funny as I did.Meyers Roman is moving. Tomorrow is our last day in our current space. We are relocating from 28601 Chagrin Blvd., Suite 500, to 28601 Chagrin Blvd., Suite 600. Yup, we are movin’ on up, to a deluxe office in the sky. Which has necessitated the purging, and the packing, and the discovery which led to my co-worker’s Office-All email.
Attached to the email was a PDF entitled “Coloring Book for Lawyers.”
It’s drawn and themed 1950s Mad Men style, but its snarky writing suggests a mid-2010s copyright.
My favorite page has a decided workplace theme:

The entire book, which appears to have been floating around the internet since at least 2014, is worth your time. God knows, the news lately has been so glum that a little levity is never a bad thing, even if it’s at your lawyer’s expense.