From her lawsuit [pdf]:
15. In addition, Ms. Boudine was teased about her need to use the bathroom, and in particular, her need—as a woman—to use toilet paper more frequently when she did use the restroom.
16. Defendants went so far as to impose a limit on how much toilet paper Ms. Boudine could use. Upon information and belief, similarly situated male employees were not subjected to toilet-paper quotas.
17. As a result, Ms. Boudine was relegated to using nearby fast food restaurant and gym bathrooms.
Worse yet, she alleges that her employer fired her within hours of her lawyer sending a letter complaining of sex discrimination.
If you can’t spare a square for your female employee(s), you might be the worst employer of 2017.
If you can’t spare a square for your female employee(s), you might be the worst employer of 2017.