Friday, February 17, 2017

WIRTW #449 (the “do-over” edition)

Whether you are left or right, blue or red, liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican, it’s hard to argue that the first 28 days of POTUS 45 have been anything other than a dumpster fire. It culminated over the past 48 hours with Trump’s bizarre press conference, and withdrawal of his nominee for Labor Secretary, Andy Puzder.

And then Trump did something amazing. He nominated someone eminently qualified to run the Department of Labor. Alexander Acosta will become the next Secretary of Labor. What do you need to know about Secretary-to-be Acosta?

  • He served a well regarded term on the National Labor Relations Board from from 2002 to 2003.
  • He is a former Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice, where, among other acts, he defended the civil rights of American Muslims.
  • He is a former Supreme Court clerk and former U.S. Attorney
  • He is currently a law school dean.
  • Once confirmed, he will become the first Hispanic-American member of Trump’s cabinet, bringing some much needed diversity to the table.

Mr. Acosta should sail through the confirmation process. 

Bravo, President Trump. You and I have had a rough four weeks. This decision, however, is exemplary. Can you please make more decisions like this one?

Here’s what I read this week:



HR & Employee Relations

Wage & Hour


OSHA & Safety