If you are looking for the details, I recommend Dan Schwartz’s Connecticut Employment Law Blog, which summarizes the various nuts and bolts of the rule.
Additionally, the DOL has published various resources:
- The final rule itself
- An overview of the final rule
- A fact sheet
- An FAQ
- A mandatory workplace poster for covered employers
- A video explaining the paid sick leave requirements
Let me reiterate the point I made when I first wrote about these then-proposed rules earlier this year. These rules matter because they move the needle on the issue of paid leave, even if ever so incrementally. To compete in the job market against those offering federally mandated paid leave, other companies will begin voluntarily offering paid sick leave as a fringe benefit (see Deloitte and Nike). Thus, over time, paid sick leave will spread to most, if not all, employers nationwide.
Those of you who’ve been reading for awhile know that I’m not a fan of government mandates. Yet, it is embarrassing that America lags so far behind the rest of the world on employee paid time off. These regulations illustrate what can happen when the private sector delays making necessary changes. Because our nation’s businesses are so out of touch on the issue of paid leave, the government is compelled to step in.
Bottom line? It's time to get ahead of the curve on the issue of paid sick leave. Given how far we have to catch up, it presents an amazing recruitment and retention opportunity for the American employer. Or, look at it this way. Now is the time to board the paid sick leave train. It's leaving the station one way or the other. The only question is who is going to be the conductor—employers or the government.