Thursday, March 29, 2012

What’s on your tombstone?

At his Work Matters blog, Mike Maslanka asked the following question: “What will be on your tombstone?” Don’t get me wrong. I love my job and would not trade what I do for a living for any other profession. But, please kill me again if my tombstone is work-related. I’d much prefer, “He was a great husband and dad,” or, “He loved his family,” to, “He could write a great brief,” or, “He could oral argue with the best of them.”

That’s my tombstone, but what about yours? A tombstone is your legacy. It’s a phrase that is supposed define you for all eternity. That’s why it's etched in stone. So, if you could pre-write your own tombstone as an employer, what would it say? How does this sound? “A company that treated everyone fairly.” Or, “Employees loved to work there.” So, what does your tombstone say? Leave me a comment below, or, post on Twitter with the hashtag #HRtombstone.