Friday, August 12, 2011

WIRTW #189 (the “amici” edition)

Last year, I was honored that the ABA chose to include me in its Blawg 100, the list of the top 100 legal blogs. This year, the ABA has again opened its nomination process to the public. From now until September 9, the ABA is accepting nominations via the submission of amici, or friend-of-the-blawg, briefs:

We’re working on our annual list of the 100 best legal blogs, and we'd like your advice on which blawgs you think we should include. Use the form below to tell us about a blawg—not your own—that you read regularly and think other lawyers should know about…. If there is more than one blawg you want to support, feel free to send us additional amici through the form. We may include some of the best comments in our Blawg 100 coverage. But keep your remarks pithy—you have a 500-character limit.

(Mom, Dad, and Wife, please don’t nominate me; it’s against the rules)

The ABA’s blawg directory lists thousands of legal blogs. If there are several that you enjoy reading on a regular basis, please take a few minutes to fill out an amici form and submit it to the ABA for consideration. My fellow blawgers and I appreciate it.

Here’s the rest of what I read this week:


Social Media & Workplace Technology

HR & Employee Relations

Wage & Hour

Labor Relations

Written by Jon Hyman, a partner in the Labor & Employment group of Kohrman Jackson & Krantz. For more information, contact Jon at (216) 736-7226 or