Friday, September 12, 2008


Apparently it's not just Sikhs that Disney World is alleged to discriminate against. The Delaware Employment Law Blog reports on a decision out of the 11th Circuit in which an Asian man's national origin discrimination claim against Disney World was thrown out because he was not qualified to work in Epcot Center's Norwegian restaurant.

Politics continue to dominate the headlines. The Connecticut Employment Law Blog draws some employment law lessons from Barack Obama's "lipstick on a pig" comment from earlier this week.

CCH HR Management presents a nice, neutral summary of the candidates' positions on various workplace issues.

The Word On Employment Law points out an issue that may have fallen under the radar in the EEOC's recent new compliance manual section on religious discrimination in the workplace. Apparently, the EEOC is now taking the position that it is not religious discrimination for employers to hold worship services at work during business hours.

Courtesy of the World of Work comes this shocker -- a retail chain's store manager calling a department head "Grandma" was evidence of age discrimination.

The Philadelphia Business Journal has an insightful piece about current trends in the enforcement of non-competition agreements.

The HR Capitalist makes an excellent point on the allocation of the responsibility for background checks between employers and recruiters.

BLR's HR Daily Advisor debunks some common myths about sexual harassment.

The Workplace Prof Blog discusses a Tennessee Supreme Court decision which held that an employer owed a duty of care to the daughter of a former employee for her asbestos-related death.

Finally, on The Becker-Posner Blog, Gary Becker and Judge Richard Posner have a healthy debate on whether competition between businesses or the law is more effective at fighting discrimination.