Friday, December 21, 2007

What else I'm reading this week #10

We'll start this week with a couple of posts on issues surrounding the drafting and enforcement of employment agreements:

Jottings by an Employer's Lawyer lists the 8 parts of an executive employment agreement.

Suits In The WorkPlace gives some sage advice on how to draft solid non-compete agreements. The discussion is under Illinois law, but the principles transfer well to Ohio law.

On other topics:

Dan Schwartz at the Connecticut Employment Law Blog draws some lessons from his recent middle school mock trial coaching, and recommends that to avoid employment law issues, HR should keep things simple.

The Evil HR Lady gives some advice on how to handle a job applicant's prior criminal conviction. As long as the policy is neurally applied (i.e., disqualifying anyone with a conviction other than a traffic offense), you should not run into any problem using conviction histories in employment decisions. Arrest records are another story, because arrests may disparately impact one race over another.

Should you fail to hire someone and end up defending an administrative charge, the Pennsylvania Employment Law Blog tells us 5 things every HR generalist should know in responding to EEOC and state agency discrimination charges. Let me add #6 - call your employment counsel.

John Phillips, at The Word on Employment Law, has posted the 2nd half of his excellent 6-part series on the art of firing employees. (Part IV, Part V, and Part VI).

In the wake of the debacle over the proposed maternity leave regulations, the Ohio Practical Business Law Counsel asks, "Where is the Ohio Civil Rights Commission going?"

Finally, the Wall Street Journal's Law Blog asks the self-evident question of whether the jury trial is an endangered species.