- Review your employee handbooks and other personnel policies.
- If it's been longer than 2 years since you did company-wide harassment training, schedule it for 2008.
- Make sure you are using the new I-9 form for all new hires.
- Audit your wage and hour practices.
- Make a concerted effort to document all discipline and performance problems.
- Do not make promises to your employees that you cannot keep.
- Make hiring and firing decisions based on performance.
- Be more understanding of your employees' family responsibilities outside of the office.
- Employ the golden rule - treat your employees as you would want to be treated.
- Above all else, try to have some fun at work.
My hope for everyone (except me) is that 2008 brings no lawsuits, no EEO charges, no sexual harassment complaints, no wage and hour audits, and no disgruntled employees. Be happy and be safe, and I'll see everyone in 2008.