A single act of sexual harassment may be sufficient to create a hostile work environment if it is such a nature and occurs in such circumstances that it may reasonably be said to characterize the atmosphere in which a plaintiff must work. David subjected Johnson to the pornographic magazine in the company of other male officers. The episode a few months later where Davis commented on his perception of Johnson's agility was also made in the presence of male coworkers. The presence of male coworkers makes Davis' act humiliating, which can be considered severe.
If an appellate court is going find two isolated incidents sufficient to hold a jury trial in a harassment claim, perhaps companies have to rethink internal initiatives to head off lawsuits involving porn in the workplace. The headline may be tongue-in-cheek, but the message is real - courts will be more prone to give employers a pass in cases where they acted proactively in trying to rid the workplace of porn than where they stuck their heads in the sand and failed to sanitize the environment.